Mom's partner asks 'hurt and rejected' son if he can adopt him — the kid's response is utterly tear-jerking

Children who do not have a loving parent or support system may often feel broken and hurt. It often takes support and love to heal such wounds. Kids want nothing more than the feeling of being loved and accepted. A mom named Lisa Arana (@inkedupdame) revealed that her son had been going through a rough patch when her partner asked him a life-changing question that healed him. Footage capturing the young boy’s heartwarming reaction is one that his parents will hold on to for a lifetime and one that moved the internet to tears. The duo were casually hanging out at home when the man posed the question. The young boy was focused on his gaming when his to-be dad mentioned, “Can I ask you a question?”

He waited for the boy to approve and went on, “You know I love you like my son, right?” “Yeah,” the kid responded, aloof from what was to follow. “How would you feel if I adopted you?” he asked. The boy stopped what he was doing and slowly lifted his head in disbelief. As he came to the realization of what was unfolding, he turned around to the man and said, “For real?” He continued to walk towards the man, confirming whether he’d heard right. The duo exchanged an assuring hug as the man waited for approval. “Would you like that?” he asked again. “Yeah,” the boy said, with tears welling up.

“You’re gonna have my last name. I love you and I got you,” he added to his soon-to-be son. The mom penned a tear-jerking caption explaining why this meant so much to each of them. “My heart! I can’t stop crying,” she remarked. She explained that her son had been “hurt and rejected” and her partner stepped in to bring healing. “He came into his life and filled the holes in my little son’s broken heart piece by piece,” she added. The man continued to hold the boy as he took comfort in his arms, staying there as long as needed in assuring silence.

People were overjoyed to see the boy’s reaction to the heart-melting news. Many noted that his long-required need to belong was being unfolded in the comforting embrace. @ladysherry70 said, “That young man is going to tell everyone, ‘That’s my dad right there. He chose me to be his son.’ That’s love.” @paffemt said, “You could tell by his reaction he has been waiting for this very moment to happen.” Many even applauded the man for being so gentle and loving and taking on a responsibility with a loving heart.

@creeksquad187 remarked, “It takes a real man to take a felled father's place. My son is almost 18 and I haven’t spoken to his sperm donor since he was 3 for abandoning him like that.” @alishagilchrist1 added, “Stepdads are the world. Thank you for being there for that boy. You may never really know how much that changes his world.” @ryan91293 wrote, "Respect to your husband for wanting to adopt your son. It shows your husband and son love each other by the way their voices are at the end.”
@inkedupdame My heart! I can’t stop crying! My son has been hurt, he’s been rejected, and my husband came into his life and filled the holes in my sons little broken heart, piece by piece! #fatherandson #adoption #adoptionstory ♬ He Didn't Have to Be - Brad Paisley
You can follow Lisa Arana (@inkedupdame) on TikTok for more content on family relationships.