11-yr-old Girl Scout hears about dad's 'very rich' friend Mike Rowe and sends him the greatest sales pitch of all time

Who said only an adult can become the best salesperson? 11-year-old girl Charlotte McCort when got the opportunity to speak with renowned TV personality Mike Rowe, she seized it most impressively. When she learned he was a “very rich" friend of her dad, she knew she had to make something out of it. The little girl wrote him a sales pitch for Girl Scout Cookies and even though it left him in stitches, he was greatly impressed by it. Rowe revealed that he came across the little girl as she was his friend Shawn McCort’s daughter. The host made a note that Charlotte was a Girl Scout.

"You may have been sold cookies but not like this," he said while briefing the audience about the letter. He recalled his friend telling him, "Hey Mike, I told Charlotte that my best friend from school is very rich. An hour later, I found this (letter) in the sent folder on my computer.” The host received the letter and read it proudly while also trying to control his laughter. “The only time I ever met you was in Disney World, it was some time ago. I have been informed that you may want to purchase a few Girl Scout cookie boxes for our troops fighting overseas. This is good news,” the girl wrote in the beginning of her letter.

Charlotte went on to mention her troop number and noted that they were a “minuscule but mighty” troop and flaunted her skill for selling cookies. She went on to say that she has always sold the most cookies in her troop and would like to break her own record by selling 300 boxes. She even added the website for a smart and quick way for Rowe to purchase. “I’d like to tell you about my cookies for some of the descriptions, I’m afraid, use false advertising,” Rowe read from the letter while chuckling. The girl rated each of her cookie flavors, explaining professionally the reason behind the score and the pros and cons of each item.

She even noted honestly, “If you have a wild sense of adventure, try the Smore. Full disclosure, I have not tried the Smore, so I cannot rate it in good conscience.” Another cookie seemed to be the least favorite on Charlotte’s list. I'm sorry, to say, the least is the Toffee Tastic. It is a bleak, flavorless, gluten-free, wasteland. I'm telling you it's as flavorless as dirt,” she said. BRB, busy laughing. One of the unusual facts was that none of the cookies received a 10 but Charlotte had an impressive reason for the same. She mentioned that to receive 10 points, a cookie box has to be donated.

“It helps strike a spark into the treacherous lives of those men and women protecting our country and keeping America safe,” she remarked. She concluded the letter with a humble request to honor it by donating a box of cookies. She also wrote, “To recap, my name is Charlotte and I love being honest with my clients, no kidding.” Rowe was beyond impressed with the 11-year-old.
“I'm going to recommend to companies that they hire Charlotte McCort to rewrite their sales manuals," Rowe said. He added, "This kid understands the basic tenets of sales. You can't sell a product unless people first trust you and the best way to get them to trust you is to tell them the truth, even if the truth involves words like ‘blandness,’ ‘bleak, flavorless, gluten-free wasteland,’ it's fantastic." He even requested people watching to purchase the cookies to help the girl break her record.
A viewer, @bothewolfe3466, was also impressed by the sales pitch and wrote, “That’s the hard sell, Mike...she deserves a purchase just for the effort she put forth in writing her sales pitch.” @PilgrimLJC added, “What a smart little girl! A magnificently composed letter! And her vocabulary, for an eleven-year-old, is quite impressive! She should become a writer!” @jonevans5084 shared, "This young lady is going to be either a great writer or one heckuva salesperson!"