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Woman who lost her family gets formally adopted by her deceased mom's former boyfriend PARENTING

Woman who lost her family gets formally adopted by her deceased mom's former boyfriend

Man looking for his father at Walmart spots him doing the 'most dad thing' at the store PARENTING

Man looking for his father at Walmart spots him doing the 'most dad thing' at the store

American mom living in Paris reveals 5 key differences between parenting in the U.S. and France PARENTING

American mom living in Paris reveals 5 key differences between parenting in the U.S. and France

Korean mom has epic response to teacher who downgraded son's cultural lunch as 'disgusting' PARENTING

Korean mom has epic response to teacher who downgraded son's cultural lunch as 'disgusting'

Video shows why children stopped walking to school and it's a trend must end PARENTING

Video shows why children stopped walking to school and it's a trend must end

Woman who lost her family gets formally adopted by her deceased mom's former boyfriend

After the woman lost her family, she was bereaved with a void and someone special walked in to help her find a sense of belonging
8 hours ago

American mom living in Paris reveals 5 key differences between parenting in the U.S. and France

The different parenting styles in these two countries completely contrast one another and this mom is revealing how.
1 day ago

Man looking for his father at Walmart spots him doing the 'most dad thing' at the store

The man's post was relatable for a lot of people who were amused but mentioned that their dads would do the same.
6 days ago

Single dad traveling with daughter shares how a kind act by a train station porter made him feel heard

As a single dad, the man found himself in a tough situation with his toddler daughter but the stranger came through for them.
Sep 18, 2024

Single dad seeking help when daughter starts her first period gets wholesome responses from strangers

The dad was confused about how he could help his daughter in the best way possible and the internet did not hesitate to help.
Sep 17, 2024

Video shows why children stopped walking to school and it's a trend must end

The reasons parents prefer public transport or private vehicles to send their kids to school are mostly valid.
Sep 15, 2024

Mom teaches important lesson to her 12-year-old son who simply refused to do 'girl chores'

The mom already had a talk with the boy but he repeatedly refused to do certain chores at home, considering them gender-specific.
Sep 10, 2024

Behavioral specialist debunks myth that gentle parenting is like permissive parenting with relatable example

Many parents are getting the technique wrong and forgetting the crux of it, but the specialist shows the right way.
Sep 5, 2024

Boomer dad's attempt to cheer up sad daughter going through a divorce is simply wholesome

The old dad didn't know how to communicate with his daugther's disheartening feelings but he still made heartfelt effort to make her feel better
Sep 4, 2024

Wife asks if she is more or less attractive after childbirth and her husband's response had her in tears

The mom wasn't sure about asking the question but the husband's wholesome response left her grinning like a kid.
Sep 1, 2024

Mom hesitant to work at her kids' school cafeteria changes her decision after getting a note from student

The mom wasn't sure whether the job was her calling but a note with a heartfelt message from a kindergarten student reminded her of her purpose.
Aug 30, 2024

Korean mom has epic response to teacher who downgraded son's cultural lunch as 'disgusting'

The teacher's reckless comment on the boy's Korean lunch was rude, but the mom had a confident reply ready.
Aug 28, 2024

Skip the boring 'How was your day?' and ask your kids these 5 after-school questions instead

The mundane question will evoke a bland answer but these 5 five specific questions are the pathway to a quality conversation with your child.
Aug 28, 2024

15 people reveal the most bizarre things they have inherited

Most people inherit belongings or property but these 15 examples are proof that you can inherit literally anything!
Aug 22, 2024

Dad has the perfect response to young son's bully and the internet is applauding

When Aubrey Fontenot learned his son was being bullied by an 11-year-old, he took an unusual path to respond and it won the hearts of strangers.
Aug 14, 2024

Brave 6-year-old boy helps his sick mother by asking an Amazon delivery person for help in a powerful video

After his mom fainted, as soon as he saw the delivery man, without much ado, 6-year-old Aiden bravely and quickly approached to ask for help.
Aug 9, 2024

Parenting coach explains 'pushing boundaries' and shares a brilliant way to get kids to listen to you without yelling

Tia Slightman suggested a theory as to why kids listen only when parents yell and has a technique that is a game-changer.
Aug 9, 2024

Mom of terminally ill son has fitting response to abusive note on car for parking in disabled spot

The mom had rightly parked in the disabled spot due to her son's condition but still received a hateful note from a stranger.
Aug 6, 2024

Dad teaches kids tough lesson after they disrespect their mom

The kids were disrespectful towards their mom but the dad was not having it. So, he supportively took matters into his own hands.
Aug 5, 2024

5-year-old adorably mimics his basketball coach dad’s every move and wins over the internet

This young coach has become quite a sensation at his dad's workplace, adorably giving pep talks to players.
Jul 30, 2024