5 science-backed signs you're more intelligent than you think you are

Throughout our lives, we’re on the quest to increase our knowledge and get smarter. Through experiences, learning, tests and more, we aim to be individuals with a wise intellect and aspire to keep growing. There are several metrics to understand the level of intelligence one possesses, including IQ tests. However, there are other unusually vibrant factors backed by science and logic that can tell whether you’re truly intelligent or not, per Inc. These five signs that tell you’re more intelligent than you believe are pretty simple and we bet you didn't know about them.

1. Messy = IQ.
Many people struggle with their tendency to be messy. Seeing those cluttered desks and piled books is not the best visual. But don’t beat yourself up, because it is a factor hinting towards your intelligence. Psychological scientist Kathleen Vohs, together with others, conducted a study published in Psychological Science where she mentioned that having messy settings can give “valuable outcomes.” Based on the same, it was revealed that messier settings push individuals to be more creative and open to vibrant thought processes. “Disorderly environments seem to inspire breaking free of tradition, which can produce fresh insights,” Vohs shared.

2. Talking to yourself
If you’ve ever thought you’re a little cuckoo in the head for talking to yourself, put a stop to those ideas right here. Psychologists Paloma Mari-Beffa and Alexander Kirkham of Bangor University shared an intriguing study mentioning that people who talk to themselves are able to exercise more self-control in situations, per Science Direct. This helps them figure out better outcomes or responses and adds to their intellect. People who discuss and talk out loud with themselves are likely to come up with better solutions or ideas. A perfect example is that of athletes encouraging themselves during training or preparations.

3. Humor and you
If you’re funny, you’re possibly intelligent. We don’t make the rules, it’s simply logic and reasoning. The University of Mexico shared an interesting study that pointed out that being able to find humor in situations can indicate a higher intelligence rate. The study found that comedians and cartoonists had better scores on verbal tests compared to others, thus leading to the mind-boggling conclusion. Moreover, if you think of smart people you know, you’ll find they have some humor lying around and vice-versa.

4. If you think you’re not, you are!
If you have found yourself debating whether you’re smart or not and vouching for the latter, chances are that you’re wrong! Going straight back to psychology, the Dunning-Kruger effect suggests that people are often ignorant of their ignorance. This means that people who are smart may ignore the fact and shun it without even knowing they’re doing so. On the other hand, less intelligent people may overestimate their abilities, without realizing the same. The best part about this theory is that because intelligent people think they’re far from smart, they strive to be better. They will look out to learn and be with people who can help them improve.

5. Being alone with yourself
While intelligent people would enjoy talking to themselves, they would also love their own company. A study published in the British Journal of Psychology suggested that people who are okay with their own company are likely to think, brainstorm and plan which all ultimately adds up to individual traits that collectively increase intelligence. The next time you’re alone and having a good time, know that you’re a lowkey genius!