Dad reveals why he's teaching his 10-yr-old stepdaughter 'man chores' against wife's wishes — he has a point

Parents tend to have a slightly different process when it comes to parenting girls vs boys. While both have different experiences and require unique parenting per the same, there shouldn’t be sexism in raising children. A dad, who goes by u/Key-Effective2260, shared a post mentioning that he was teaching his 10-year-old stepdaughter to do “man chores.” His wife, however, wasn’t too delighted about the same. Nevertheless, the man insisted on teaching his daughter the same and his reasons are an eye-opening perspective on parenting.

The dad mentioned that he had 4 stepkids who considered him nothing less than a dad. “The two oldest are guys and I taught both of them stereotypical guy chores, fixing cars, cutting grass… etc.” the dad said. He added that he wished to do the same for his daughter when she turned the same age. However, since she was small, the dad started with simpler chores when she turned 10. When thee daughter turned 11, he decided to teach her other chores too, just like he did for his sons.

“She is bigger now and stronger, so we had our first lesson on cutting the grass and how a lawnmower works," the dad shared. "She did really well (a little worried she would lose control of the mower since she is still short but my fears were unfounded). She did the whole yard and I’m quite proud of her." The post further mentioned that the mom was not too happy about learning that the little girl was doing such tasks. “She got in an argument about teaching her guy chores—that she is too young,” the dad revealed. The dad insisted that his daughter learn the chores just like his sons did.

“I told her that she needs to stop babying her and that she needs to know how shit works. She called me a j*rk and left,” he added. The man was adamant his daughter learn the chores just as the boys did so that there would be no discrimination. He mentioned that his boys had learned the same tasks she was learning when they were 10 years of age. He added that the boys also knew how to do household chores and it was only fair the girl learned the other side of things too. Several people supported the dad’s idea and agreed that her dad was teaching her to be independent in the best way possible.
u/ixixan wrote, “I wish my father had taught me ‘guy chores.’ Not having to depend on a man to do basic household stuff is a godsend.” u/technicalsoul1595 remarked, "That's called teaching your kids to be a success.” u/Hellboundwhiskeybent added, “Teaching girls how to change tires and fix plumbing issues or mowing their own grass is beneficial to them later in life not having to be reliant on a man. A self-sufficient person is a more desirable person and they'll have a better grasp on real adversity later in life.” u/1indaT said, “Her adult self will be thanking you for teaching life skills.”