Doctors share their experiences visiting other doctors for checkups and the thread is an absolute gem

There are mixed opinions about the medical system that has been standardized. While people are exhausted with medical bills, waiting rooms, anxiety awaiting diagnosis and more, one can't help but be grateful for doctors. As patients, we know the pros and cons of receiving medical aid. Arranging finances, spending hours at hospitals, and worrying constantly about how things will follow are often a given for patients. However, doctors have different experiences on the other side of the service. Being the ones who diagnose and treat patients, they have different pros and cons attached to their profession.

Has it ever crossed your mind that doctors too, have a vivid experience seeking medical aid? Doctors also turn patients when they're in need and like every other person, have to acquire treatment. What must it be to be on the other side of the spectrum, waiting, worrying and hoping? Doctors have far more knowledge about how medical systems work so their thoughts as patients might be way different from regular patients. u/Still-Tangerine2782 called on doctors to share what they feel like as patients and how they receive treatment when in need. The post read, "Doctors of Reddit, what’s it like when you go in for a doctor's appointment? Do you and your doctor discuss what’s wrong with you like it’s a group project? Do you not go at all because you’re your doctor?"
1. A doctor-turned patient
2. Pitch into treatment
3. Self-diagnosis and secondary consultation

4. I am the doctor- and the patient
5. Efficiency and priority are a must!
6. Put a pause on the title of a medical professional

7. Being over-confident and adamant
8. Excuse me, doctors 'don't need to be checked'!
9. Group project with an 'annoying' member

10. Expert in one's own field
11. Subjective vs objective care
12. Different traits as a doctor vs a patient

13. Better and quicker understanding
14. General patients are better patients than doctors
15. Knowing one's place in the world of treatment

16. The fear of trusting other doctors
17. Urging doctors to take the backseat
18. Learning to treat through oneself

19. Handling prerequisites to make treatment easier
20. Knowing everything but accepting treatment from distinguished professionals