Family made rude comment about woman in elevator thinking she wouldn't understand—her sassy response left them mortified

Most people have the unruly habit of making rude comments on others' personalities or looks. While some are flagrant about it, others try to act smart by doing it in a language they think people around them wouldn't understand. Something similar happened to a woman, who goes by u/ Pixel_Detox on Reddit. She revealed that a family harshly remarked about her looks when she was with them in an elevator of a high-rise building in downtown Vancouver. They assumed she wouldn’t understand but the woman had a spot-on response to render. Her quick and smart approach left the family speechless.

The woman revealed that she got into an elevator with a family. They spoke in French while interacting with each other but the woman thanked them for holding the door in English. “It was a couple and their three kids, all boys around 8-10 years old. I am bad with age but they were the age of being able to speak and think enough to understand what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong,’” she remarked. The family continued to converse in French. The group were all going over 30 floors and it took quite some time for them to get there. In the meantime, the family began judging the woman and having a full-fledged discussion about her looks.

The dad started the tasteless conversation by saying, "So, is she pretty or not pretty?” The woman got uncomfortable, trying to determine whether they were speaking about her. “One of the kids quickly responded, ‘Not pretty.’ I stopped breathing for a second, realizing now fully, that it was truly me they were blatantly judging right in front of me," wrote the woman. She added, "I froze, sadly, that’s mostly how I react when situations are just unbelievable." The entire conversation was casually carried out in French with the idea that the woman didn't understand them. However, she knew every single word they were speaking.

She decided not to let this slide. “I had a choice to make: let it go or seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for perfect linguistic revenge,” she remarked. "I kept my cool, though, and as I exited the elevator, I turned back and said with the most sassy French accent I could give, ‘Bonne soirée.’ / Have a good evening'." The family was stunned to hear the woman’s words. “The look on their faces? Ab-so-lu-te-ly priceless,” the post read. The woman quickly left after speaking and gave them quite the shock. “I’ve dealt with rude comments before, but this moment was the chef's kiss. I’ve always dreamed of a situation like this where I could use another language to surprise someone who thought I couldn’t understand them,” she remarked.
The woman delightfully flaunted her language skills and noted that it was “100% worth bamboozling people like that.” People lauded her for the way she served a comeback so elegantly. A Reddit user wrote, “Good! The most fu**ed up thing about this is, who even says that shit about someone else? Such disgusting behavior, regardless of language.” u/pip-whip wrote, “The fact that you called them out while being polite was the best part of this. They went low. You went high.” u/CoderJoe1 said, “I would've let them know I was far from the ugliest in that elevator.”