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Family was mourning grandpa's loss at his funeral. Then a sudden 'hello' from his coffin stunned them.

The family was heartbroken, bidding goodbye to their beloved grandpa but a sudden sound from his coffin changed the whole mood.
Family and relatives attending a funeral. (Representative Cover Image Source: RubberBall Productions| Getty Images)
Family and relatives attending a funeral. (Representative Cover Image Source: RubberBall Productions| Getty Images)

A funeral is a time to bid goodbye to the ones we love, but in some situations, it is also a moment to celebrate the life and memories they created. This can be exercised by remembering the person for their unique aura and personality and for all they had done. A grandpa from Dublin, called Shay Bradley by locals, was having his last rites performed by family and friends, per Dublin Live. Surprise struck when the mourning family members present at the funeral heard a “hello” coming from the coffin, prompting unbelievable responses

Representative Image Source: Phillipe Lissac| Getty Images
Family members carrying coffin. (Representative Image Source: Phillipe Lissac| Getty Images)

The grandpa of 8 was known for his jovial and heartwarming wit and the same was undoubtedly celebrated before he could be buried. Sharing a video of his grandfather, Ben Bradley posted the last expression of his grandfather in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter. As Shay’s loved ones were surrounding the burial spot, seconds after Shay’s coffin was lowered into the ground, a loud “Hello” was heard. Baffled by where the sound was coming from, family members quickly realized that it was the sound of their beloved Shay. In a funeral setting, everyone was in tears, heartbroken, trying to compose themselves and pay their respects, but Shay had other plans. The "hello" was followed by a loud knocking. “It’s Shay, I’m in here, let me out,” the voice said.

Representative Image Source: RubberBall Productions| Getty Images
Family members mourning a loved one at a funeral. (Representative Image Source: RubberBall Productions| Getty Images)

It was not long before his loved ones realized that their grandfather had recorded a message before his passing, for his funeral day. It was a planned prank that instantly brought laughter amid the grieving tears. “For anyone who hasn’t seen, My grandad was a one-of-a-kind character and has left his legacy for the world to see,” Ben wrote in his caption. Shay was known to entertain his family and refused to go out leaving them in tears. His recording had everyone at the graveyard chuckling in joy and relief, remembering Shay for the iconic personality that he was. The rest of the recording was Shay sarcastically yelling to be let out of the coffin as if he were locked in alive. Towards the end of the same, the man broke into a sing-song, convincing his family members he was "unwillingly stuck in the coffin."


“Hello again, it’s me. I’m here to say goodbye,” he sang sarcastically, leaving his loved ones smiling ear to ear. The family had a newfound last memory of their beloved grandpa and Shay was glad that it was one filled with laughter, as intended. His daughter, Andrea, shared a picture of her father in gratitude and said, “My dad, Shay Bradley.  It was his dying wish that we played this at his funeral. What a man... To make us all laugh when we were incredibly sad..... He was some man for one man... Love you forever, Poppabear.” @MosesG68 wrote, “Glad he was sent off with a laugh, after all, it is a celebration of his life..” @Hormetik added, “His video is now making people smile around the world. What a legend!”





This article originally appeared 3 months ago.