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First-grade student read 'Tell how you know' on math question sheet and wrote the most savage answer

The answer to a math question was too obvious and the little girl saw no better than to be honest in her response.
Little girl smiling after finishing homework. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by RDNE Stock Project), (inset) First-grader's math question paper via Reddit user u/xskysoblue
Little girl smiling after finishing homework. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by RDNE Stock Project), (inset) First-grader's math question paper via Reddit user u/xskysoblue

Kids can be the sweetest tots on the planet but can also elicit the most savage comments out of all honesty. They don’t mean harm, they just say their hearts and minds out loud and it often results in hilarious anecdotes. A mom, who goes by u/xskysoblue on Reddit, revealed that her daughter had a sassy response to a question on her school worksheet. The mom mentioned in a comment that the girl was in the first grade and was doing her math activity sheet. The sheet consisted of simple additions. The question read, “19 + 45 = ?” Below was the answer, “19 + 45 = 64.”

Little girl doing homework. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Jena Backus)
Little girl doing homework. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Jena Backus)

In the next sentence, the girl had to answer whether the given equation was correct and justify the same. “Tell how you know,” the question paper read. There were also dots and lines representing numbers to help the students with the problem. The students had to fill in the correct number as the answer and had a blank line to explain why the same was correct. Instead of using a mathematical explanation or citing some formula, the girl gave the most unhinged response. “I just know,” she honestly wrote. “My daughter can’t be bothered with these questions I guess,” the mom hilariously wrote in the caption. 

Little engrossed in thinking while doing homework. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Ron Lach)
Little engrossed in thinking while doing homework. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Ron Lach)

The girl's response left people on the internet amused. Many couldn’t understand the purpose of the 'why' question. The mom herself commented, “My answer would have been, ‘Because it says it, right there.’” u/Hephaestus_God wrote, “It says the answer to the left. What even is this question wanting?” u/Stars_with_a_z remarked, “Asking to explain simple addition and subtraction seems dumb. How'd you get that answer? ‘I, umm, added the two numbers together?’”

u/Bazch said, “Call me old fashioned but I still think this is an absurdly overdesigned and unnecessary way to teach maths. 9 lines are harder to read than the number 9. You have the same information, why complicate it.” Others applauded the first grader for a hysterically fitting response. u/FuelDumper wrote, “You should get her a shirt that says: 'I do Math and I know things.’” Children’s learning and the education system have vastly changed over time. But children are not holding back. In a similar instance, an 8-year-old girl had an apt response to a question on her worksheet.

Image Source: Reddit|u/JibbetyJibbety
Image Source: Reddit|u/JibbetyJibbety

Image Source: Reddit|u/Souriane
Image Source: Reddit|u/Souriane

A dad, Robert Sutcliffe (liveRPancsurg), shared a post on X revealing that his daughter was learning about words with “ur” in them. They were asked to write words with the latter. One of the questions read, “Hospital lady,” followed by a blank. While many would immediately think of the word “nurse,” this 8-year-old stepped out of the stereotypical thinking and wrote, “Surgeon.” However, the sexist teacher corrected her worksheet and wrote, “or Nurse.” Conditioning the girl and many like her into a gender role and bias, unfortunately, didn’t work. The dad mentioned that he and his wife were both surgeons, explaining the flawless answer the girl wrote. @Boo_Sherratt wrote, “More power to your daughter!” @HeadNeckNZ said, “Good on your daughter.”