If you relate to these 20 signs, you probably grew up poor — the list is as real as it gets

Different generations have vivid childhoods and distinct ways to predict who had the more glamorous one. What was considered a luxury earlier doesn't hold as much importance in current times. Moreover, what used to be a necessity back then is probably a luxury today. Times have turned around and the way people are raising their kids is varied. Nevertheless, there has always been a question in the minds of many adults to know whether they grew up rich or poor. The tricky part is that the factors to identify the same are spaced out so much that it's confusing to determine. Sometimes, people think if they didn't have a TV, it meant they were poor, but for others, not being homeless was the ideal definition.

A Reddit user, u/Puzzled-Painter3301, shared a post asking people to reveal "a sign that someone grew up poor." With over 13,000 comments, several people pitched in about what it meant to have a poor childhood back in their days. From swearing by reusables to revamping stuff to an unbelievable extent, these responses are as vivid as they can get. Here are the top 20 signs you can look at and try to crack the mystery of whether you were poor while growing up or not.
1. Unusual hoarding
2. Reusing to the last stitch
3. Quantity over quality
4. Not having peak dental health
5. Efficiency over style

6. Never leave leftovers
7. Not owning appliances
8. Poverty 'toes'
9. Extreme financial literacy
10. Reusing like a pro

11. Mixing and matching
12. Not being able to pursue childhood hobbies
13. Feeling guilty to ask for help
14. Doing it all
15. Checking out prices before products

16. Labeling freebies as essentials
17. Survival over ambition
18. Finishing everything on the plate
19. Making do with what's available over preferences
20. Anxiety for the future
This article originally appeared 3 months ago.