Man connected with old friend on social media, immediately realized why people ghost after high school

High school is a wild time for a lot of people. Everything changes so quickly and so much is happening, your identity evolves every day. Amid this crazy ride, some go on to form unbreakable bonds with their friends while a few others eagerly wait for the time to start a new life in a new city, away from their old circle. For them, ghosting classmates or acquaintances after high school is the only goal. So, even if you find them after years, you shouldn't always try to reconnect, explained a man named Israel in a clip on TikTok. In his viral video, he shared how right after tracking a friend from high school, he discovered just why some people ghost their friends.

Israel mentioned how, like every other person, one recalls a friend or acquaintance and the immediate thought is to connect with them and see how they’ve been. "You are sitting there one day like, 'Oh, I wonder what what's-her-name is doing.' You even think about maybe trying to find them, so that way, you all can catch up or something," he shared. He even pointed out that many try to look such old friends up with hopes of meeting, so he offered a suggestion. "Don't. These people don't wanna be bothered," he remarked. Israel then recalled his recent shocking experience and he could only chuckle at what occurred.

The man shared how he tried to track and contact one of his middle school friends. He explained that they had a good conversation catching up on the basic details. They spoke about everything regarding their jobs, families, lives and so on. However, after all was said and done, Israel’s friend made a strange and baffling request to him. “He said, ‘Bro, can you please unfollow me? I don’t want nobody else to find me,’” Israel revealed.

Stunned at his friend’s response, the man had no choice but to respect his request. He was immediately humbled and understood why people ghost each other and move on with their lives. Though it was hard for him to accept, it was a truth that needed to be outed. “All I'm saying is if you’re thinking about somebody and you're like, ‘Damn, I haven't heard from what's his name’ — leave them alone. They made it that way on purpose,” he pointed out. As hard as it was for Israel to understand, he realized that it was just how it worked with people.

Leaving over 5,000 people baffled in the comments, the man surely sparked a conversation around ghosting. While many had no clue things worked this way, others agreed with wanting to have no contact. @imjustamari suggested a possible theory, “I think it's because our high school friends remember a version of ourselves that no longer exists.” @cousin_illy added, “Nobody from high school exists to me. Even when I go home to see my mother, I wear a hoodie so no one can recognize me.” @tensaaaaaaaaa remarked, “Just leave us alone, we only talked to you to make time pass faster.” @tututalks noted, “Once we find the place where we truly belong, it’s a different type of serenity and we don’t want to be disturbed.”
You can follow Israel (@imisraell) on TikTok for more advice and content on lifestyle.
This article originally appeared 3 months ago.