Man mocks renowned mathematician as 'heavily made up TikTok ladies,' immediately gets schooled by the internet

Equality still seems like a foreign concept to many people. Despite experiencing evident displays of the fact that women are no less than men, there is still sexism surfacing in some parts of the world. A recent instance is that of a man downgrading a renowned mathematician, Dr. Hannah Fry, for her input. When the woman shared her insights on certain mathematical concepts, the man publicly mocked her with a ruthless comment. Little did he know, he didn’t have all the facts and was about to be hit with a humbling realization. The man responded to a video posted on X, which included Dr. Fry sharing her opinions on austerity.

The caption of the post clearly stated “Dr. Hannah Fry” but the man overlooked the same. His comment read, “I am getting tired of these chipper heavily-made up TikTok ladies who get offered up as experts just because they’ve got pretty eyes. Are my eyes not pretty?” His comment seemed to tick off several people for two reasons. Firstly, for his careless remark displaying his discriminative behavior and objectification of women and secondly, because he had no clue who Dr. Fry was. Joining in heavy support, people backed up the woman and had iconic comebacks for the man. A woman, Katie Spalding (@supermathskid), shared a screenshot of the post and the man’s comment.

Alongside, she also shared a screenshot of Dr. Fry’s description from the internet which boldly and clearly read “President of the maths society.” Spalding added, “She's literally president of the maths society. Dude, what more can you possibly want?” With this comment firing back, others pitched in too. @GaryHurdman wrote, “‘Dr’ might have been a clue to her qualification going beyond her eye color.” @barryjohnreid21 added, “They don’t seem to understand that this is where ‘doing your own homework’ gets you. Hannah is a legend.” People fired back and left no crumbs, as one may put it. Every word in the man’s comment was responded to with one response or another.
she's literally president of the maths society dude what more can you possibly want
— katie spalding (@supermathskid) January 23, 2024
@LibraryBabbit wrote, “Dude just wants to be objectified fairly. He doesn't have anything behind those pretty eyes of his, though.” @_AngelLady_ remarked, “Brilliant! How to make yourself look a wee bit foolish in one fell swoop.” @joech1p pointed out, “She’s literally a professor of mathematics. I think the guy needs to work on his comprehension and awareness skills.” @NotLikeTheCar mentioned, “He’s going to lose his mind when he finds out that she’s that pretty whilst actually not being all that heavily made up!” With the tweet going viral and people coming in with creative comebacks, Dr. Fry (@DrFryRsquared), too, got a glimpse of the comedy and joined in.
Awww, BLESS him. He's quite needy isn't he?
— Dr Helen J Williams she/her🇪🇺 (@helenjwc) January 24, 2024
She reposted Spalding’s tweet and wrote, “That’s it, I’ve found it. My favorite tweet of all time.” To her tweet, too, people commented with a top-notch response. @Lucasteriox said, “At least you now know you have pretty eyes from a random dismissive a**hole on the internet. Silver lining and all.” @sensiblejumper added, “Fairly sure that he's unqualified to speak about makeup as well.” @gtuckerkellogg remarked, “The dude desperately needs someone to tell him his eyes are pretty.”
That’s it, I’ve found it. My favourite tweet of all time.
— Hannah Fry (@FryRsquared) January 23, 2024