Man was fishing alone when he heard screams in the middle of river—his quick response saved a kid's life

Wherever we are, vigilance is a primary requisite. We never know when and where we or someone else may require help and sheer observation can play a major part in providing the same. David Jones Jr. (@djonesoutdoors), an avid outdoor enthusiast, was kayaking in the St. Louis River when he came across a desperate scream for help, per CBS News. His astute thinking and intervention saved the boy’s life. The man recalled that the scenario took place when he was fishing in the river and recording his trip on his GoPro and managed to capture the entire encounter in his video too. "I hit the record button on my phone and I was fighting the fish for maybe 8 or 9 minutes and that's when I heard the scream," he recalled.

When he looked to see who was screaming, he spotted a young boy with a float in the river by himself. “I had that sense of urgency that I needed to drop what I'm doing and kayak over there and get that kid to safety,” he added. The video captured the boy freezing and scared to tears. As soon as he saw the boy trembling, he quickly offered his help and suggested he get him back to the shore. The boy constantly kept yelling that he wanted to get back to his dad but Jones had no idea where the man was. He ensured he first got the boy to safety before taking any other action and that turned out to be a life-saving decision.

"I believe he was in the early stages of hypothermia. He couldn't remember how old he was. He could barely remember his name. His face was turning blue and he was constantly telling me how cold he was,” Jones recalled. He helped the boy hang on to the kayak and got him to the shore before calling authorities to offer medical aid and other assistance. The adventurist noted that he was a father to two toddlers himself and knew how worrisome the situation was and how the boy must have felt. He kept encouraging the boy as he got him to the shore. Jones also calmly handled the situation and listened to the boy who was freaked out while also consoling him.

Emergency services soon arrived to take control of the situation and help the boy receive aid. After speaking with the boy and his parents, it was noted that the child separated from his dad’s boat and due to the current, drifted away. “The boy wanted to swim next to the sailboat holding a rope that was attached to the boat. At some point, the boy lost hold of the rope and the wind pushed the sailboat further away from the boy,” the authorities mentioned, per Pioneer Press. "Seeing the strength that kid had and he didn't give up. For him, to scream as loud as he could in that matter to get help, that kid is the real hero. That kid is really strong. That kid is the one who needs all the love and support,” Jones exclaimed. He added, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a 6-year-old look me in the eye and be genuine and say, ‘I am happy I survived.’ That was one of the tougher things to hear.’”
You can follow David Jones Jr. (@djonesoutdoors) on Instagram for more content on adventure and outdoor lifestyle.