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Mom crashed reporter son's live shot on street while shouting the sweetest message ever

The man was casually prepping to go live when he spotted a familiar face and hilariously gave in.
ABC 6 reporter Myles Harris and his mom during his live reporting. (Cover Image Source: X| Good Morning America)
ABC 6 reporter Myles Harris and his mom during his live reporting. (Cover Image Source: X| Good Morning America)

Most moms treat their children with the same love or affection with which they used to do when they were kids. It shows the special unbreakable bond they share. ABC 6 reporter Myles Harris (@mylestharris), was greeted by his mother, Sandi, while he was reporting live. The young man shared the video on Instagram as of one of the cutest rendezvous and people were in awe. The footage is so precious that his cameraman, DeAngelo Byrd (@deangelobyrd), described it as the “cutest moment” of that year for all the right reasons. 

Man preparing to report live with camera person in background. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Rodrigo Souza)
Man preparing to report live with camera person in background. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Rodrigo Souza)

The video opened to Harris preparing for live reporting. As soon as he turned his head around, he spotted a familiar face. His expression going from neutral to a shoulder-shurgging, adorable frown, gave away who the special person might be. He immediately knew what was to follow and hysterically yet defeatedly gave in. Waiting patiently for her to drive by, Harris let Byrd know, “This is my mama, hold on.” While the cameraman got ready to have the laugh of his life, the mom casually drove towards him and yelled, “Hi baby!” 

Senior woman spending time and bonding with adult son. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Liliana Drew)
Senior woman spending time and bonding with adult son. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Liliana Drew)

Moving defeatedly again while Byrd laughed himself out, Harris explained to his mum, “I'm trying to work and you keep calling my phone.” He then introduced Byrd to his mother and let her know she could say hello. “Hi DeAngelo!” she responded immediately, with much excitement. Her high-pitched, jolly voice indicated how delighted she was to see her child at work. “And don't be holding up traffic because you got cars behind you,” Harris shyly remarked. The mom obliged and blew her son a kiss before she could drive away. Mesmerized by the encounter, Byrd couldn’t help but catch it all on camera only for it to become a viral, heart-melting clip over the internet. 

Sharing in an interview with Good Morning America, Harris couldn't help but explain how wholesome the experience was. “It’s like we spoke it into existence,” he remarked. The reporter mentioned that he was shooting on the street a few minutes away from his mum and was mentioning the same to Byrd. “And then she starts calling me and something happens,” he recalled. “I recognized the car, saw her face and thought, ‘Here we go,’” Harris remarked. He added that his mom believes it’s pure coincidence that she happened to pass right past him while running errands.

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Like any mom would, Sandi spotted the news van and crew and wondered if her son might be there. With an immediate mom behavior, she went to check it out and there he was, Harris himself, getting ready to report. Sandi was even invited to “crash” the interview where her appearance caused Harris to burst into laughter. Speaking of the whole memory, Sandi was just proud and remarked, “He’s my biggest accomplishment.” The clip touched the heart of every mom and child and related on a whole different level. @heycurlylox said, “My son's only 2 but best believe this will be me when he's grown.” @kittycurtismilfort added, “This is one of my favorite videos of all time.” 


You can follow Myles Harris (@mylestharris) for more wholesome content and Deangelo Byrd (@deangelobyrd) on Instagram for more content on lifestyle and photography.