Off-duty officer found $120,000 lying in a roadway — she used the chance to teach her kids powerful life lesson

Our morals and values are tested when we’re faced with choices in the most unexpected situations. It’s not so much other people who are to decipher how we are but for us to introspect. An off-duty California Highway Patrol sergeant came across this opportunity after stumbling upon $120,000 in cash on the road, as per the San Francisco Chronicle. After finding two bags of the large amount right in the middle of her route, she had to take action. However, she redirected her experience and response into a thoughtful and impressive lesson for her kids. The officer was forced to turn her car abruptly and swerve after encountering the two bags placed on the road, per The Christian Post.

"There were two bank bags that said Bank of America and I thought, 'I wonder if this was some kind of bank robbery.' I opened it up just enough to see that there were stacks of $100 bills," the officer recalled, per Mercury News. At first, the officer thought it was staged as part of some show, per CBS News. However, upon further analysis, she realized it was real. "I thought, 'What in the world, this can't be happening,'" she remarked. While several people would have a selfish motive, the officer immediately knew what to do. She handed over every dollar to the enforcement, who were later able to locate the owner of the money. The large sum belonged to a man and was his life savings.

"It was the right thing to do. I'm paid to uphold the law, and it's my job to set an example whether I'm working or not. I'm happy to hear the rightful owner was identified and that the money has been returned," the officer said. Doing the right thing, the officer, who is also a mom, decided to use her example as a lesson for her kids, per ABC7 News. The officer returned to find her kids at home, excited about the news. “Mom! What were you thinking?” they asked her. She confidently replied, "There was no one on that street after I had come back, nobody would have known. But that's what determines a person's integrity- It's what you do when nobody's looking,” she highlighted.
The officer’s coworkers and several others are impressed by the woman’s honesty and morals. Officer Jon Fransen remarked, “She is such a humble person. She is very low-key and doesn't really want the limelight. I don't know what exactly her religious beliefs are. I know that she's definitely a good person. She is definitely someone who thinks about others before herself.” He pointed out, "When you are a law enforcement officer, I think if you already have that personality, it increases the more you can put yourself in other people's shoes. That's what she did in this case."

Fransen added, "I think she looked at the money and yeah, it's a lot of money, but she thought to herself that somebody is probably missing that money. And it's a lot of money to be missing." The mom’s encounter left a valuable lesson along with respect for her actions. Not just her kids but even fellow officers and others are looking up to her humility and selflessness with which she handled this situation and are looking forward to exercising the same.