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Single mom working 2 jobs was struggling to make ends meet — she was stunned when her $150,000 debt vanished out of nowhere

Ever since she became a nurse, she only dreamt of paying off the student loan. Just when she thought it would take a lifetime, hope knocked at her door.
UPDATED FEB 24, 2025
(L) Stressed nurse sitting on the floor engrossed in thoughts. (Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images| Solstock), (R) Woman screaming in happiness looking at a laptop screen. (Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images| Mr Vito)
(L) Stressed nurse sitting on the floor engrossed in thoughts. (Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images| Solstock), (R) Woman screaming in happiness looking at a laptop screen. (Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images| Mr Vito)

Single moms suffer unspeakable challenges in their journey of motherhood. Trying to find support and be a support to their kids, it becomes tough to make a family as a single parent. One of the strains is based on finance. Single mom and nurse Jasmin Ford was in a similar plight when something miraculous came her way, per ABC News. Ford had managed to receive a master’s degree and work as a nurse. However, that came with a whopping student debt of $150,000. She was sure she’d take a lifetime to pay this amount until kindness knocked on her door — quite literally.

Nurse sitting worried with hand on her head. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Solstock)
Nurse sitting worried with hand on her head. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Solstock)

With a toddler son, Caleb, Ford struggled to make ends meet. She had to work to support her family and pay off the loans. Due to this, the mom was forced to work two jobs, putting an exhausting strain on her life. Unable to spend time with her family and look forward to anything apart from repaying the loan, Ford was knee-deep in debt. That’s when the Fifth Third Bank came to her life-changing rescue. After the mom was asked to be a part of a documentary regarding student loan debts, she was chosen for the clearance of her $150,000 debt, per Goalcast. Ford, aloof of the plans, was simply grateful to be a part of the same. 

Woman distressed after looking at bills and expenses. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Lorenzo Xavier)
Woman distressed after looking at bills and expenses. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Lorenzo Xavier)

“The documentary in itself was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I got to be in a documentary and I met some amazing people on the way,” she remarked. Little did she know that amid the interview, a different kind of core memory was at her doorstep. In a video from ABC News, a bank representative, Mike Crawford, showed up at her home to deliver the good news. Having no clue what she was up for, Ford was shocked to hear him personally inform her that all of her student loans were generously paid. Bursting into tears, the mom was speechless, rendering repeated thanks to Crawford. “You have inspired us and this is the least we can do,” he remarked. 

Woman stamping paperwork. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Compassionate Eye Foundation)
Woman stamping paperwork. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Compassionate Eye Foundation)

“Her story was just so compelling and she’s such a passionate person who’s focused on changing the world and giving back. We just felt like we had to do this for her,” Crawford said, per The Root. He added that the mom was like a “ripple in a pond.” “If you make a difference for her, you make a difference for the community,” he explained. Crawford also noted the burden student loans can have and how there’s so much potential that can break through by removing this obstacle. “It slows down the trajectory and the change they can make in the world and to be able to remove that — we're doing that for Jasmine and it is a dream come true.

Ford said she had “no words” to explain all that she was going through after hearing the news. “I could not foresee when I’d be able to pay it off. I just knew this was going to be a part of my life as long as I was alive unless there was some significant change, which…wow,” she remarked. The mom looks forward to spending more time with her son and even “paying it forward” after being the recipient of overloaded kindness.


This article originally appeared 2 months ago.