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Wife had perfect response when husband had a go at her about laundry mishap right after her surgery

The wife had barely returned home after her surgery and was taken aback to hear her husband's priorities.
(L)Sick woman lying in bed. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Pavel Danilyuk), (R)Man holding laundry basket and staring angrily.(Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by cottonbro studio), Reddit|u/i_hate_my_username4
(L)Sick woman lying in bed. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Pavel Danilyuk), (R)Man holding laundry basket and staring angrily.(Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by cottonbro studio), Reddit|u/i_hate_my_username4

Women deserve appreciation and help with the work they do on a daily basis. It is not easy to complete chores and manage a life. Most women do this even when they’re sick and weak. They deserve acknowledgment and respect. A woman, who goes by u/i_hate_my_username4, revealed that she had recently had surgery and got back home. When her husband called her out for an error despite her condition during recovery, she reacted in a confident and well-deserved manner to teach her husband a lesson.Woman in care after surgery. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by RDNE Stock Project)

Woman in care after surgery. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by RDNE Stock Project)

The woman revealed that she had recently undergone gallbladder surgery and due to the anesthesia, was feeling tired and weak. She got home to meet her kids and rest. “The morphine has definitely worn off at this point and I haven't had any pain relief so I just want to sit down and relax,” she said. She acknowledged that it’s not easy to look after three kids and there was quite a lot to be done in the house. Her husband “had been doing loads of laundry that had piled up since our washer broke and only got fixed the day before.” 

Man talking to wife while she recovers in bed. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Pavel Danilyuk)
Man talking to wife while she recovers in bed. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Pavel Danilyuk)

“I had barely sat down five minutes when my husband turned to me and said, 'Oh, I don't mean to have a go at you since you just got home from surgery but can you please stop putting my football shirts in the dryer since it ruins them? I've told you before, they can't go in there!'” the wife wrote. She was baffled and “taken aback” that he decided to complain about a laundry mishap instead of taking care of her after her surgery. “He even acknowledged that I just got home from surgery. And for the record, I don't think it's wrong of him to not want his shirts ruined but really?! This is the time you're going to bring it up?!” she asked. She was upset and realized that the man ignored the fact that she might need care and medication and more and immediately jumped at her for a trivial thing. 

Mna looking a tshirt suspisciously while doing laundry. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Brittney Borowski)
Mna looking a tshirt suspisciously while doing laundry. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Brittney Borowski)

The woman mentioned that she didn’t know about the shirts getting damaged and that her husband also had made his fair share of errors while doing the laundry. Upset by his carelessness, she decided to respond boldly. She clearly said, “You know what? Do your own laundry then. If anything gets damaged, that's on you. Don't have your stuff ready for work? That's your problem. And don't ever bother asking me to iron anything either.” 

The internet rallied around the woman for giving the husband a reality check. u/OhmsWay71 said, “You are allowed to react to the self-centered, disrespectful way he decided to talk to you about it.” u/apothekryptic added, “Your husband picked the wrong time to bring this up, and his delivery was garbage.” u/rissaboo212 remarked, “If my husband said this shit to me after my gallbladder surgery, the profanity that would roll out of my mouth would likely cause him to not speak again.” u/RobotDog56 said, “ It was terrible timing on his part though and he should have been aware enough to have waited a bit before bringing it up.”

Image Source: Reddit|u/VanityFitness
Image Source: Reddit|u/VanityFitness
Image Source: Reddit|u/InfamousCup7097
Image Source: Reddit|u/InfamousCup7097