Woman broke down watching complete stranger's house burn to the ground, then offered unbelievable gift to help them

Seeing others in need should push us to offer as much encouragement and help as possible. That's how we will keep the humanity alive. The Lambert family experienced an urgent need for any help possible on New Year’s Eve when their house caught fire, leaving everything ruined, per WRAL News. With nowhere to go and everything destroyed, the family was only lucky enough to escape unharmed from the house. Seeing their desperate state, an angel in disguise stepped in to help. What seems to be an outdated story is resurfacing to enkindle hope and kindness.

The video captured the firefighters around the home that was up in flames, per KSHB 41. While the cause of the dangerous fire remains unknown, the family believes it was started due to the chimney. The family stood helpless in the biting cold, with almost nothing to comfort them. Rachael Herman, whose parents’ home burned down in the fire, was shattered. It was her childhood home that was ruined but she was glad that the members got out safely. “It’s just stuff, you can replace it,” she said of her belongings that were turned to ashes. With their hopes burned to the ground ahead of the New Year, the community stepped up to help.

One of the women, Kara Payton, was so heartbroken by the turn of events that she broke down into tears. “I burst into tears and was like oh my gosh,” she recalled. The woman empathized with the family and wanted to do whatever she could to offer them support and comfort during this difficult loss. To everyone’s luck, the woman had exactly what they needed. A selfless heart and an empty home. Payton gladly obliged to offer up her empty place in Olathe, Kansas. In the spur of the moment, when the family was shocked and helpless, Payton’s generosity had their backs.

Herman was surprised yet relieved to know that kindness such as Payton’s still exists. “To know that someone who doesn't even know us is willing to take my parents in and take care of them…I can’t describe it,” she remarked in joy. For her, it was one hopeful light amid the bleak reality. The family had to spend New Year’s Day looking for anything they could salvage from the fire. Luckily, Herman was able to retrieve her wedding ring which was misplaced during the fire. Above all, the family is grateful to be safe and together despite the heart-wrenching accident.
Payton was delighted to help and made her generous offer simply out of kindness. She appreciated the Lamberts taking up on her offer and allowing her to practice the deed. "I'm grateful for them, that they gave me an opportunity, whether they need it or use it or not, it's just that I was able to walk away knowing that I didn't ignore that small voice that was inside that was like you can do something so much better," said Payton. The family moved forward and was able to start the New Year with borrowed hope and support.