Woman buys 'vintage' roller skates on Facebook—discovers 40 years old connection with them after taking a closer look

Things that are meant for us have a way of finding us. Whether it takes days, months or even decades, things do come around. Renée Forrestall faced this unbelievable fate when she stumbled upon a pair of rollerskates and purchased them, reported The Guardian. Unbeknownst to her, the former wasn’t just a random purchase but had a solid connection to the woman. It was only when she put them on that she realized there was something uncanny about this pair of rollerskates, going 40 years back.

Forrestall, at the age of 60, decided to rekindle a passion she held dearest to her heart — rollerskating. The woman hadn’t skated in years but after living 6 decades of her life, the milestone deserved a nostalgic celebration. She got a modern pair but it didn’t seem to work the magic she expected. Her eyes were now on older pairs and that’s when she stumbled upon a seller with vintage roller skates in hand. She then decided to purchase a pair of vintage rollerskates from the Facebook marketplace for $40. Though worn-out and seemingly super obsolete, the skates won her heart.

“He said like here it is, if you think that's going to fit your foot, you know, you're welcome to try it and I thought it's a bit of a dodge. I kept kind of scrolling, I thought about 40 bucks, that's a good deal,” she remarked, per CBC News. Forrestall arrived at the seller’s place to try the skates on and something clicked. The skates fit just perfectly—the way they did back when she was a teenager. The woman even shared a video on TikTok revealing how “miraculous” the experience felt. “I noticed they were pretty dirty, but I tried them on and was surprised how perfectly they fit,” Forrestall noted.
To her surprise, she recognized the pair to be the same one she had sold 40 years ago. Wondering if this was just a coincidence or a reality, the woman checked the insides of the skates and was stunned to see her name still inscribed on the inside surface. “The guy [Bond] was standing there and when I looked at him and I peeled back my name, my eyes filled up with tears because I literally had my life flash before my eyes,” she recalled. Regretting the fact that she had sold them when she did, Forestall never imagined she’d reunite with her skates again.
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“When I saw my name, I kind of was shocked. I felt tears swelling up in my eyes because I was suddenly reeled back into my youth,” she added. “It's like Cinderella and the slipper moment,” she exclaimed. The skates were stored in a basement for 40 years and somehow posted online 2 hours before the woman started browsing. With her favorite skates in hand, she couldn't wait to get the show started. “I’m not looking to get fancy. Look, if I can go forward and stay upright and not hurt myself, that’s all I want. I’d like to be able to have some time with them again,” Forrestall remarked.
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