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Woman shares alarming reason why you shouldn’t keep your iPhone in the bathroom while showering

Some people opt to keep their smartphones in a waterproof bag in case they keep it close while showering.
Man using phone while sitting in tub in bathroom. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by cottonbro studio)
Man using phone while sitting in tub in bathroom. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by cottonbro studio)

Most people have the habit of taking their phones with them to the shower. Whether it’s a hot soak or a cold shower, we want some music playing in the background to have a relaxing time. However, putting your device through all the steam, water and whatnot, may not be the best idea. A woman, who goes by @bestfindsbestie on TikTok, shared an eye-opening reason why keeping your phone close to you while taking a shower is not worth it. In a clip, she showed proof of her own phone and expressed that she wasn't too happy with the shocking discovery she made. She showcased her iPhone case, adding that she takes the same with her to shower.

Woman using iPhone while seated on toilet in bathroom. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Miriam Alonso)
Woman using iPhone while seated on toilet in bathroom. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Miriam Alonso)

The woman then showed the inside of her phone case which was covered with seemingly bacteria or mold that was collected over time inside the phone. Turns out, a phone placed in a moist space likeshower provides the best environment for mold to thrive, per The Daily Mail. Moreover, the steam is said to damage the hardware of the device despite its water-resistant feature. There is a plausible theory as to why this might take place. Most iPhone covers have a leather base on the inside. Having organic material, it can easily breed bacteria and absorb the same.

Woman filming on iPhone after stepping out of shower in bathroom. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by cottonbro studio)
Woman filming on iPhone after stepping out of shower in bathroom. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by cottonbro studio)

The Environmental Protection Association noted, “Molds can be found almost anywhere; they can grow on virtually any substance, providing moisture is present. Mold can grow in every area, including electronic equipment. As long as there is moisture, there is the chance of mold.” This means it’s not so much the cover that matters but the humidity in the shower that makes it a perfect space for mold. This mold can be toxic or non-toxic but it’s best to avoid trying your luck. Known to cause sneezing, respiratory issues and other serious health problems, mold is probably the last thing one would want near their skin.


Phones are around us all the time, especially near our ears and mouth and the transfer of mold from phone covers to our skin is easy. So what can we do to continue enjoying music or podcasts in the shower? A flawless idea would be leaving your phone in another room and using a speaker or other device to hear the music you want, per CNET. Many were baffled to see the evidence shown by the woman in her TikTok video. It was more than enough to initiate discussion and also have people leave their phones out while using the bathroom. However, some users suggested regular cleaning of phone cases and phones with alcohol wipes to take away all the dreadful bacteria.

Image Source: TikTok|@pinkhairlife
Image Source: TikTok|@pinkhairlife
Image Source: TikTok|@dreams.realm
Image Source: TikTok|@dreams.realm

@new_boot_goofin shared, “Not me discovering the same thing two days ago. Glad I’m not alone.” @baileyludeloff remarked. “This just happened to mine too. Same kind of case.” @nurcalbay said, “I clean mine every day. Case off and everything. Phones are dirty.” @meval192 added, “Don’t bring electronics when you’re showering.” @mugshotjenny wrote, “I just have a homepod in my bathroom.” @itskeeby suggested using a “ziplock bag.”

You can follow (@bestfindsbestie) on TikTok for more content on hygiene and lifestyle.