20 posts on X that clearly show some rich people are totally clueless about how regular people live

It is no joke when people say that the rich and the poor have different lives. Being in the same country, same city, and same area, both classes have contrasting lifestyles. While the rich life is a dream for the poor, the case is nowhere close to vice-versa. Rich people don't even try to think what life is like for those without glamorous dollars. For many wealthy people, it is hard to comprehend the lives of poor people. The struggles, the monotonous routines, the hustle and so on are foreign concepts to them.

To test this theory, a woman named Akilah Green shared a post on X, asking people, "You ever watch a rich person's expression change when you ask a question that's too poor?" She was referring to all the moments and experiences a rich person may never even imagine. With hundreds of comments, people sure had responses to share. Many on the other side of the spectrum recalled their interactions with billionaires and how the latter were dumbfounded on connecting the two realities. Right from career and job preferences to lifestyle, rich people were flabbergasted to realize that there are people out there with a completely different mindset and life.
1. As if Paris is boring
remembering my girlfriend's family friend being shocked that i've never been to paris.
— Nag Champa Enjoyer (@PowellsLeftArm) November 12, 2021
"you simply MUST go! you'd love it! the food, the art!"
as if the reason i haven't been to paris is because i thought it sounded boring.
2. Visit a beach? Never
Me: which beach should I go to in the city you grew up in?
— katelyn doyle thornton (@iamkatedoyle) November 12, 2021
Colleague: oh I don’t know, my family owns our beach.
3. Reusing is a crime
I worked at a lumberyard in my early 20s and this lady was asking about a sawblade. When I mentioned it could be sharpened and used again she scoffed at the idea like I was ridiculous for even suggesting she go through such an ordeal.
— Tom Beckerle (@TomBeckerle) November 13, 2021

4. School trips being a dream
In High school, when you were the kid who couldn't go on the ski trip/foreign language class trip/band trip/whatever because money.
— Wrath (@nmewrath) November 13, 2021
The conversation gap before & after those events.
"OMG remember when Biff fell in the fountain in Madrid?"
"No, I didn't go"
5. How upsetting
I was a housecleaner during the crash of 2008. One client bitterly complained to me about his losses, saying, "I lost 40% of my assets!" He got so upset when I refused to say that his estate going down to the mid-7 figures was worthy of my commiseration.
— Amy (@AmyLMFT) November 12, 2021
6. Asking parents for money as a kid
when all my friends would go out to do stuff and i couldn’t bc poor and they all got so confused when i said i couldn’t just ask my dad for money bc i knew he didn’t have it
— fake name (@bloodplayy) November 13, 2021

7. Corporates and employees who?
I did a private show for stand up & a couple afterwards asked what I do. I told them I’m a mover & they tried to relate by saying her family is a major shareholder in the Mayflower moving company. I still think about that shit.
— TheAirFryerBlewMyMind (@wright_laron) November 12, 2021
8. The other side of luxuries
Once asked a “friend” if her dress was from Anthropologie and it was like I’d told her her mother died. It was couture.
— Jessica Ellis (@baddestmamajama) November 12, 2021
9. Traveling is a privilege
My ex is Canadian, born in the Philippines & his family is well off. He just uses his passport for ID. He was shocked that I don't have 1. "What would I use it for?" Travel? He blinked. "Where would I go!!!?" I've always been poor.
— Trey Capnerhurst (@Treasach) November 12, 2021

10. Leftovers being taken home
The horrified looks on my sister and her friends’ faces when I asked the waiter for a leftover box…
— Olivia Knox (@livygirl4life) November 12, 2021
11. Sharing a pizza is an abomination
The horrified looks on my sister and her friends’ faces when I asked the waiter for a leftover box…
— Olivia Knox (@livygirl4life) November 12, 2021
12. Garage mandates
Street flooded. In morning cars parked along were stuck in several inches of solid ice.
— jbaggs (@jbaggs) November 12, 2021
Told my students. They looked confused,wanted to know why didn’t just put car in garage.
Said that apartment didn’t have one.
Shocked child said,”wow, you really should get on that.”

13. If it's not brand new, it's a no
A friend was frustrated because she couldn’t find a new construction 2 bed apartment she liked in her budget (3x mine). I suggested that she look at some of the vintage/older buildings and she said she wasn’t comfortable living somewhere that another person had lived before 😳
— Dr. Sarah Hegge (@TheSarahHegge) November 12, 2021
14. Our luxuries, their scraps
When I worked at Starb*cks, a guy rolled up in a car from a company called Fisker. I said “That car must be very expensive,” and another customer said “I don’t they’re that bad; maybe $130k.” The look on his face when I told him that that was more more than the price of my condo.
— Sir Carlos Freytes- AGENTS OF FANDOM 🇵🇷 (@CarlosFreytesJr) November 12, 2021
15. You can't be poor, you must be boring!
I had two rich friends in high school who would accuse me of "never DOING anything." As in, I never go to Paris for spring break or spend a week skiing or whatever. They just assumed I was a boring person by choice because I was coming up with ways to entertain myself at home.
— Ghost in the Smoothie Machine (@InSmoothie) November 12, 2021

16. What do you mean having people over isn't normal!?
Me, while trying to explain to my expo writing class in high school that we never “hosted” people in our tiny, mold-riddled apartment without saying as much
— Kaitlin Byrd: Renaissance Maiden (@GothamGirlBlue) November 12, 2021
17. Public transport... for real?
Reminds me of when I tutored a celebrity’s teenaged child in NYC. I was late one day and explained that my subway train was delayed. She looked deeply perplexed.
— Ashleigh Lambert (@nora_charles) November 12, 2021
18. You do not have acres of land
My old boss asked me if I had a big backyard to mow and was like yeah it’s huge. Then he asked me how many acres I owned and I was like huh? I told him how many square feet it was and his face was like ohhh. I thought it was big 🤷🏾♀️
— Captain (@CaptainRaven1) November 12, 2021

19. 'Why would anyone rent when you can own?'
My old boss asked me if I had a big backyard to mow and was like yeah it’s huge. Then he asked me how many acres I owned and I was like huh? I told him how many square feet it was and his face was like ohhh. I thought it was big 🤷🏾♀️
— Captain (@CaptainRaven1) November 12, 2021
20. Celebrations don't last all week
Stayed at a b&b for one night, on my birthday. During the communal breakfast for the 8 people there, they asked where I was going next and I said "back to work" and it felt like they all needed a few extra seconds to process the idea.
— Damnit Amanda 🏳️🌈 (@AmandaMcGlow) November 12, 2021

This article originally appeared 4 months ago.