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20 posts on X that clearly show some rich people are totally clueless about how regular people live

Rent, budget and all these factors are greek to people who have made the big bucks and having a fantastic life and these 20 posts prove just that
(L) Couple calculating expenses at the end of the month (R) A couple enjoying a luxurious life (Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images| Left photo by AndreyPopov and right photo by gradyreese); X| @Treacsach
(L) Couple calculating expenses at the end of the month (R) A couple enjoying a luxurious life (Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images| Left photo by AndreyPopov and right photo by gradyreese); X| @Treacsach

It is no joke when people say that the rich and the poor have different lives. Being in the same country, same city, and same area, both classes have contrasting lifestyles. While the rich life is a dream for the poor, the case is nowhere close to vice-versa. Rich people don't even try to think what life is like for those without glamorous dollars. For many wealthy people, it is hard to comprehend the lives of poor people. The struggles, the monotonous routines, the hustle and so on are foreign concepts to them. 

Young girl smiling with her eyes, hiding her face behind big amount of money in her hands. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Povozniuk)
Young girl smiling with her eyes, hiding her face behind big amount of money in her hands. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Povozniuk)

To test this theory, a woman named Akilah Green shared a post on X, asking people, "You ever watch a rich person's expression change when you ask a question that's too poor?" She was referring to all the moments and experiences a rich person may never even imagine. With hundreds of comments, people sure had responses to share. Many on the other side of the spectrum recalled their interactions with billionaires and how the latter were dumbfounded on connecting the two realities. Right from career and job preferences to lifestyle, rich people were flabbergasted to realize that there are people out there with a completely different mindset and life. 

1. As if Paris is boring


2. Visit a beach? Never


3. Reusing is a crime


Portrait of a wealthy woman outside a luxury mall. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Jackyenjoyphotography)
Portrait of a wealthy woman outside a luxury mall. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Jackyenjoyphotography)

4. School trips being a dream


5. How upsetting


6. Asking parents for money as a kid


Mother giving daughter pocket money. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Jamie Grill)
Mother giving daughter pocket money. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Jamie Grill)

7. Corporates and employees who?


8. The other side of luxuries


9. Traveling is a privilege


Girl holding passports and boarding passes while waiting at check-in counters in the airport. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Tang ming Tung)
Girl holding passports and boarding passes while waiting at check-in counters in the airport. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Tang ming Tung)

10. Leftovers being taken home


11. Sharing a pizza is an abomination


12. Garage mandates


Man standing proudly against his car in home garage. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Don Mason)
Man standing proudly against his car in home garage. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Don Mason)

13. If it's not brand new, it's a no


14. Our luxuries, their scraps


15. You can't be poor, you must be boring!


Two women enjoying a lavish vacation. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Patchareeporn Sakoolchai)
Two women enjoying a lavish vacation. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Patchareeporn Sakoolchai)

16. What do you mean having people over isn't normal!?


17. Public transport... for real?


18. You do not have acres of land


Wealthy house with a garden. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Simonlong)
Wealthy house with a garden. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Simonlong)

19. 'Why would anyone rent when you can own?'


20. Celebrations don't last all week


Group of rich young people in formalwear communicating and smiling while spending time on luxury party. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by G-stock studio)
Group of rich young people in formalwear communicating and smiling while spending time on luxury party. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by G-stock studio)

This article originally appeared 4 months ago.