25-year-old man feeling incompetent after messing up a task gets the perfect response from his kind parents

Moving out of your parents' home means you are the one taking up all your responsibilities. Whether it is paying the bills, shopping for groceries, or managing your finances, every chore becomes a crucial part of adult life. u/thewidget98, a 25-year-old man, took to the Reddit community to share an incident where he forgot to change the oil of his car on time. As a result, the car's engine got damaged. The man lived away from his parents' home so he decided to text his parents about neglecting his car, sounding disappointed in himself.

However, the man's parents had the most uplifting responses to his frustrating texts. "I want to be more attentive but I don't know how I am ever going to be an adult," the guy lamented in his text. "I want to grow up but I feel like I'll always be a stupid teen in an adult body." Then, he wrote about missing his parents and expressed his disappointment over not being able to act like an adult. Rather than rebuking him, his dad showed compassion and assured his son that it was natural to feel that way.
"It is impossible to do the right thing every single time. But hopefully, we learn from our mistakes and you have," his dad texted back. "We love the way you are and we love the way you are growing." His dad reminded him to continue being beautiful, generous and sensitive. "You will continue to grow into an extraordinary man in an adult body. We can't wait to see you because we miss you so much," his dad concluded, once again reminding his son to continue working hard and being positive.

After his dad was done, it was his mom's turn to add a few more words of encouragement that her son needed. "I could not have said anything better than what your dad said. You are an awesome person and you will become more extraordinary with your experiences," the mother texted her son, hoping to see him soon. The comment section was flooded with stories of people who were also navigating their adult lives, making mistakes and learning from them. Some appreciated the parents for encouraging their son.
I (M25) fucked up my car’s engine by neglecting to get the oil changed on time. My parents’ responses.
byu/thewidget98 intexts
u/ocean_swims wrote, "Such lovely, supportive parents. Cherish them and tell them they're amazing every day. And don't be so hard on yourself. You've got a lifetime of adventures ahead and plenty of opportunities to make your parents and yourself proud." u/Lil_Word_Said commended, "A+ Parents! You live and you learn. If you ever have future issues with your car, Google what's happening along with then the model and year of your car. 9 out of 10 times, someone had the same issue and the fix was most likely on YouTube." u/scrodytheroadie mentioned, "As a full-fledged adult, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. None of us know what the hell we’re doing. Your parents didn’t know what they were doing at your age either. We’re all winging it and figuring it out as we go. You’ll be ok."