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Amplify Staff

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Amplify desk features a team of writers working to tell stories celebrate humanity and inspire hope. We believe we can make the world a better place, one happy story at a time.

U.S. Government’s recommended thermostat temperatures have everyone stunned

The U.S. government recently shared preferable thermostat room temperatures and people hysterically disagree.
1 day ago

The way you count on your fingers can insightfully reveal much more about you, says study

Research was done to understand how finger counting can reveal a lot about a person's cognitive abilities and it's intriguing.
2 days ago

Staff who forgot to lock Swedish library surprised by behavior of 400 people who visited during holiday

A simple error on the library's part could have cost them a lot but the people of Gothenburg showed what it meant to spread goodness.
2 days ago

Here's why Professor Brian Cox thinks we're yet to hear from aliens

Physicist Brian Cox has an interesting reason why aliens have not journeyed to our planet and it is not about resources.
4 days ago

'90s directory woman’s 'Google-like' skills at mall have people feeling nostalgic: 'Miss those days'

An energetic woman from the '90s, guiding customers in a packed Woodfield mall, has the internet awestruck.
Jun 21, 2024

Brave vet finds craziest way to measure a lion’s heart rate and it's not for the faint-hearted

Dr. Chloe Buiting and her team have discovered an effortless measure to record the heart rate of larger animals but it is not everyone's cup of tea.
Jun 20, 2024

Steve Jobs had the best response to a fan sending him a letter requesting his autograph

The Apple co-founder had his reasons for not giving out autographs but when a fan requested via mail, he delivered in the most impressive manner.
Jun 19, 2024

This is why swimmers disappear or lose track when they dive into the mysterious 'Blue Hole'

The 'Blue Hole' in the Gulf of Aqaba attracts a lot of divers because it is known for its risky location.
Jun 15, 2024

Archaeologists left stunned by mysterious ‘anomaly’ found buried under pyramids of Giza

The large 'anomaly' found underground 'may have been an entrance to the deeper structure,' say scientists.
Jun 14, 2024

1300-year-old personal letter discovered in a cave is a beautiful reminder of sibling bond

The letter, which is to a sister, encapsulates the essence of a family. It was found in an Iranian cave.
Jun 12, 2024

Scientists mapped a brain half the size of grain and found it holds a stunning 1.4 million GB of data

A brain fragment taken from the cortex of a 45-year-old woman served as the basis of the study.
Jun 10, 2024