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4-year-old was taught how to call emergency services in school—a week later, she recalled the lesson to save mum's life

The little girl was lauded for remaining composed and seeking immediate medical aid for her mum.
(L)Little girl using phone. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pixabay| Photo by Makom-3d66), (R) Emergency dispatcher speaking to caller. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Kampus Production)
(L)Little girl using phone. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pixabay| Photo by Makom-3d66), (R) Emergency dispatcher speaking to caller. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Kampus Production)

Children need to be taught how to ask for help or call emergency services at the earliest. A little idea of the same can go a long way in averting danger or even saving a life. 4-year-old Mya Lang had luckily learned how to call 999 in case of an emergency a week before needing to make the call, per The Daily Mail. In an interview with Good Morning Britain, the girl and her mom Rachel Lang shared how they encountered the life-saving experience, thanks to her quick thinking and action. A call recording was shared to show how the little girl bravely asked for help and kept her calm. 

Little girl calling using a phone. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Kampus Production)
Little girl calling using a phone. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Kampus Production)

Rachel has a condition called Functional Neurological Disorder, which causes strokes, seizures and similar symptoms. The mom mentioned the same to her 4-year-old but didn’t dive into detail. However, when the mom collapsed one evening in her home, Mya knew what to do. While her dad was away at work, the girl was alone with her mother and dialed 999. The recorded call captured the daughter explaining the situation as best as she could. Mya innocently engaged in a conversation with the dispatcher, Paul Dawes, explaining that she was munching a sandwich before asking for help. As the officer guided her, the girl revealed that her mum was “on the floor, sleeping.” 

Emergency dispatcher speaking to caller. ((Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Kampus Production)
Emergency dispatcher speaking to caller. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Kampus Production)

When further enquired, she mentioned that her mum needed help and said, “Can you help my mummy?” She added that her mum had fallen and could barely speak. The officer calmly assured Mya that help would be on the way and that the girl needed to answer the door when medical aid arrived. The officer stayed on call with the 4-year-old who also gave them the address to her home so they could arrive in time to save the mum's life. Now, the mom is nothing but proud of her daughter. “I don't have much memory of what happened, unfortunately, apart from what police and paramedics told me and a little from what Mya has told me,” she recalled. Rachel added that she knew her daughter was trying to wake her up but in vain. 

Emergency services arriving at a home. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Pavel Danilyuk)
Emergency services arriving at a home. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Pavel Danilyuk)

When the mom had initially learned of what happened, she was baffled. She hadn’t taught her daughter to dial 999 so wondered how she managed. “I couldn't believe it, I didn't know she knew how to do that. I said, 'My four-year-old called you on my phone?' and they said, 'Yeah, she did really well,’ she was able to say our names and where we lived,” the mom recounted. It was later learned that Mya had learned how to dial 999 in case of an emergency a week before at her school.

Rachel added that she was “amazed that she (Mya) knew what to say and stayed so calm and didn't panic.” Dawes, too, couldn’t help but commend the girl’s composed stature despite the situation being an incomprehensible one. “For a four-year-old, she did so well. I was just doing my job, it was her who was so impressive for such a young girl,” he remarked. With all ending well, Mya even got a chance to share a testimony at school of how their practice worked with her bravery to save her mum’s life.