Little boy having 'really bad day at school' reached home and called 911 — his reason left police dispatcher surprised

The distress-calling facility is designed to help any person anywhere, anytime, with any problem. Think of kidnappings, violence, attacks and so on. However, one tiny tot made a unique use of the system for a strange problem he was facing. @LafayetteINDPolice shared a post on X, revealing this bizarrely unusual 911 call. Antonia Bundy, the dispatcher at the time, astutely responded to the call with the idea that the caller may be in danger, per ABC News. However, she was baffled to understand the boy’s dilemma. He mentioned that he had a “bad day,” and on further questioning, Bundy was left dumbfounded.

“I had a bad day,” the boy said. “You had a bad day at school?” Bundy asked. On further questioning, the boy revealed that his particularly “bad day” was because of “tons of homework.” The dispatcher gave in and stayed on call. She asked him about the next subject due and he revealed, “Math. It’s so hard.” The dispatcher considered it part of her duty to tend to this problem. She further asked him what his homework was and learned that he was studying fractions. Bundy offered to help with a problem the boy might be struggling with. “Yeah, um, what's 3/4 + 1/4?” he asked. The dispatcher gently called the boy down and with a friendly tone, began helping him out step by step.

Bundy asked him, “You have paperwork in front of you?” “Yes,” he responded. The woman patiently guided him through the steps as the boy completed his work on paper on the other end. “Good job!” Bundy remarked, hyping the boy when he was done. He went on to apologize towards the end of the conversation. “I'm sorry for calling you, but I needed help,” he said. However, Bundy assured him that they’re “always here to help.” “I tried to help as best as I could. I could tell at the beginning of the call that he was a little stressed about his day… I think by the end of the call, just me taking that time to help him, really improved his day,” she recalled.

"Him just needing help with that math problem was his emergency at that time,” she said. The woman added that she loved math and was glad to assist him. “Just took me back down memory lane,” Bundy remarked. The department shared a poignant message with the endearing call. “Our dispatchers never know what the next call might be. They train for many emergencies, homework help is not one they plan for. We don't recommend 911 for homework help but this dispatcher helped a young boy out and brightened his day,” the text overlay read.
Our dispatchers never know what the next call might be.They train for many emergency situations, homework help is not one they plan for. We don't recommend 911 for homework help but this dispatcher helped a young boy out and brightened his day.@PoliceOne @apbweb @wlfi @WTHRcom
— LafayetteINPolice (@LafayetteINPD) January 25, 2019
@SDWisdom wrote, “Bravo to Antonia Bundy! This is a good story. Not being able to do homework is a huge stressor for children.” @thop264 pointed out, “This dispatcher clearly understands that it may not be an emergency to us but it is to somebody. Great job helping this very stressed young man in his time of need.” @danettadupree added, “I commend the operator for helping the young man and not being mean and snapping out on him! You have a great heart!”
It’s amazing what happens when we are nice to each other. Great job Antonia Bundy!!
— Joel Everson (@jeverson21) August 28, 2022