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5-yr-old gives father 'worst dad in the world' note—10 minutes later, his second note leaves the dad amused

The two notes the dad received just 10 minutes apart hilariously showed him the ups and downs of parenting.
(L) A note written by a five-year-old for his dad. (R) A little boy writing something. (Representative Cover Image Source: Reddit | u/nightsaysni; Pexels | Cottonbro Studio)
(L) A note written by a five-year-old for his dad. (R) A little boy writing something. (Representative Cover Image Source: Reddit | u/nightsaysni; Pexels | Cottonbro Studio)

Little kids display a varying range of emotions. Also, sometimes how they show their feelings can be quite surprising. A dad went through something similar with his five-year-old son when the boy handed him two drastically different notes 10 minutes apart. The dad, u/nightsaysni, took to Reddit to share his son's two notes and provided further context about the situation that left people on the internet in stitches.

A little boy typing something on a typewriter. Representative Image Source: Pexels | Representative Image Source: Pexels | Dmitriy Steinke
A little boy typing something on a typewriter. Representative Image Source: Pexels | Representative Image Source: Pexels | Dmitriy Steinke

"I got these from my 5-year-old son about 10 minutes apart," the dad captioned the post which had a photo of two notes in a child's handwriting. In the first note, the boy had written, "Wost dad en the world. I dot iven luck you (worst dad in the world. I don't even like you)." The other note that had been given after 10 minutes read, "Sryye sryy, I did not men to be men to you (sorry sorry, I did not mean to be mean to you)." The stark difference between the notes prompted people to ask what caused the change. The dad shared, "I just told him to take some time to himself, not even a punishment thing. He was mad because I read something to him instead of slowly sounding out the sounds for him to read himself."

Two notes written by a five-year-old for his dad. Image Source: Reddit | u/nightsaysni
Two notes written by a five-year-old for his dad. Image Source: Reddit | u/nightsaysni

The kid was so upset that he asked his favorite cousin to give me space, which was rare. The man added, "I heard his (favorite) cousin try to get his attention in another room during that 10 minutes and he said no and that he needed space. I didn’t intervene since they were handling it fine. He reset and was great the whole rest of the day." The dad revealed that he often encouraged his son to think about why he was feeling a certain way and that has helped them resolve things in the past and keep moving forward each time they have a conflict. He also expressed that the boy had gone through some drastic changes but had been lucky in terms of education and care. People took to the comments to express their thoughts on the adorable interaction.

u/piecesmissing04 wrote, "My son at that age would put himself in a timeout (I never once put him in a timeout but his kindergarten had that system)... so he would go into his room after he said something mean to me... sit in a corner for 5-10 minutes and then come out and apologize and say he didn’t mean it. He is almost 21 now and still, the most thoughtful person I know, always considering how his words impact others." u/anengineerandacat commented, "Kids are... interesting when it comes to mood swings; my 2-year-old had a total meltdown this weekend because I opened his yogurt for him (he wanted to open it, but I didn't think he wanted to do it). A few minutes of crying and he popped back together and just ate his yogurt and was happy again."

Image Source: Reddit | u/EricTheNerd2
Image Source: Reddit | u/EricTheNerd2

Image Source: Reddit | u/EveryRadio
Image Source: Reddit | u/EveryRadio

u/superluminal remarked, "Emotions are big and overwhelming! Sometimes I want to do the dang thing myself and sometimes I just want it done when I think about it. Thankfully, in my decades on Earth, I have been better at recognizing and communicating the difference, but I totally get his frustration." u/massagetoss shared, "I was a nanny for a five-year-old and he was mad at me for some rule he didn't like. He angrily shouted at me, 'If I ever talk to you again, I'll probably forgive you!'"