American who moved to Norway says she's happier and explains why the U.S. can’t compete

Moving from the country of your birth to a new place involves dealing with more than just a language barrier and culture shock. But for a communications freelancer, Gabriella Mikiewicz, shifting to Norway from America was worth all of that. Mikiewicz also operates her popular Instagram page (@unlocknorway) where she routinely posts updates about her life in the land of the midnight sun. She went on to reveal the five key factors that make her life in Norway a lot happier compared to that she had in the U.S., as per CNBC.

It all started after a gap year in 2016, when she decided to pursue her masters in Europe where she also met her Norwegian partner. Mikiewicz has been living in Oslo for two years since 2022 and she admitted that she is living a happy life in the country thanks to five key reasons. The first factor for Mikiewicz is having a "stronger safety net" in the country when it comes to healthcare, education and social welfare system which is much better than America. "Essentials like healthcare and education are provided for, and this gives me immense peace of mind," she told the outlet.

Even though she has to pay 25% to 37% in income tax as a freelancer, she still makes $3,500 to $4,000 per month before deductions. The next thing that makes Mikiewicz choose Norway over America is that the country provides a better work-life balance to its residents. In Norway, summer vacations are paid and her private life is not consumed by tireless work obligations. The third important factor that made her life better in Norway was the Norwegian people having a high level of trust in one another. "Norway is generally considered a very safe country with a high level of public trust. It’s common to see people leave their belongings, like laptops, unattended at the cafe when they slip to the bathroom," Mikiewicz remarked.
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Norway also happens to be a country where people have free access to almost any outdoor location like lakes, forests and even remote mountain trails. "There are organizations around the country that provide free rentals of equipment — from skis and ice skates to tents and hiking backpacks — to allow everyone to be able to experience the outdoors," Mikiewicz shared. Lastly, she has learned how to appreciate small moments while living in Norway.
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"One of the sweetest Norwegian customs that I’ve fully embraced is the concept of kos. It literally translates to coziness, but it means so much more than that. Similar to the Danish concept of hygge, Norwegians embrace a sense of coziness, relaxation and contentment," she continued. "Ultimately, one of the biggest things I’ve learned from my time in Norway is that when you live in a place where you have your basic needs met and in a society that emphasizes well-being, you can spend time focusing on the things that really make you content. For me, this has meant exploring new hobbies, spending time in nature, and enjoying a more balanced life," Mikiewicz concluded.