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Boy pays for police officer's breakfast and leaves him a deeply moving note. It made the cop's day

Not just the officer, but the entire police department was moved by the boy's act and shared a post about it on Facebook.
Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images | (L) South_agency; (R) Sean Murphy
Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images | (L) South_agency; (R) Sean Murphy

The minds of children are easily influenced by the actions of adults around them, and the same could either inspire them or have an adverse effect. The Lakeland PD witnessed something similar on “Bring your child to work” Day, as per Business Insider, when Amanda Cantin brought her then 8-year-old son to see how things work at the police department. The duo were having breakfast when the boy noticed an officer and requested he pay for the man’s breakfast. What one may think to be a kind gesture turned out to be something even more wholesome and touching for the police officers. 

Representative Image Source: Ryan JLane| Getty Images
Representative Image Source: Ryan JLane| Getty Images

The boy had some birthday money on him, which he insisted on using to pay for Officer Benitez’s breakfast. The department shared a post about the same on Facebook. The caption read, “At Denny's this morning, young Noah asked his mom if they could pay for an officer's breakfast. You see he had his own money he recently received for his birthday.” However, Noah had one more request. He had observed something about the officer and wanted to write a note on the bill that would arrive at Benitez’s table. His mom agreed and with some effort, the duo managed to pull off what he had been hoping to do. The post shared a picture of the boy with the officer and the bill with Noah’s little note. In broken handwriting, the note read, “I want to be you when I grow up.”

Representative Image Source: Mordolff| Getty Images
Representative Image Source: Mordolff| Getty Images

Benitez was moved by the gesture and all his hard work over the years seemed to be paying off. He said that it “meant everything,” as per WTSP News. "It meant that I'm supposed to wake up every morning and put on his uniform and go out there and do what I do. You know? It means that I need to keep trying to be a good example to all these young guys,” he added. Along with the officer, several others received a much-needed boost from Noah’s act of kindness. “Officer Benitez was so touched by the eight-year-old's act that he had to get a photo and personally thank him. Well, Noah, you touched all of our hearts today. Your support means so much to all of the men and women who put on the uniform every day,” the caption of the post concluded.

Officer Benitez also said that he would love to keep the note in his uniform’s front pocket for as long as he can as a reminder of what his duty entails. Several people who read the post were moved by the kindness and appreciation Noah showed the police department. Marjolein Monterie wrote, “I love it and this little man really touched my heart! Great picture of an officer and an officer-to-be.” Christian Bihlmayer added, “To appreciate the police work in that way is really heartwarming. Especially for those kids we get up and put on our uniforms to serve and protect.” Kate Neicase remarked, “Way to go Noah! Thank you for being one awesome kid! And thank you to the Lakeland Police for all that they do.