'Embarrassed' mom was struggling to take cafeteria job at her kids’ school until a note from a 6-year-old changed her mind

Sometimes an opportunity arises that requires us to take turns we never thought we would. Whether it's a job, relationship, or something else, when impromptu situations knock at our door, the best we can do is accept and give our best. Mom Sarah Fiacco did the same when an unusual offer stepped up at her door. Through a post on a luxury buy and sell Facebook page, she revealed that she was a stay-at-home mom and enjoyed showing up for her kids at school. However, a strange role made its way into her life and led to something heartwarming. She elaborated on what her experience was like and how it changed due to one angel in disguise.

“Never did I imagine at 40 years old I’d be working in my kids' school cafeteria full-time,” she wrote in the post, per TODAY. Fiacco shared a bit of backstory about how she got into the role. The mom had a successful home bakery in Virginia, where she previously lived. However, when the mom of three had to move to Alabama with her family due to her lieutenant colonel husband’s posting, her business wasn’t flourishing. Trying to find a plan B, the mom began working as a substitute teacher at Prattville Christian Academy. The school offered her a permanent teaching position, but she declined as she didn't feel it was the right fit for her.

The school then floated another opportunity as a food service associate which made Fiacco even more hesitant. “Honestly, I struggled to accept (the position) because it’s not necessarily a ‘dream job.’ I was even embarrassed to share it here. But, I’m here to say in less than two weeks, I already have a deeper sense of satisfaction than I’ve ever had.” A few days into the job, the mom began to realize that it was more than dealing with food for the kids, it was a heartwarming experience with filling each kid’s tummy. “I never thought that this is where I’d be, but it’s fantastic. This week I’m on the registers. Last week I did the dishes. It’s very fast-paced. And the best part is that I get to see my kids. They come to visit me,” Fiacco remarked.
The mom added that an unexpected heartfelt gesture from a child at the school left her smitten. Little Olivia came up to the mom and offered a note to her. It read, “Thank you! For lunch! From Olivia.” The mom was rekindled with energy and reminded of what the job entails apart from its position in the books. “She handed it to me through the window and was like, ‘I want you to have that,’ and I almost cried. It’s not a glamorous job, but I’m making a difference,” Fiacco realized.

Her work has her standing on her feet and doing chores not many people look up to but what keeps her going is the encounters she had with the students. The mom hung the note on her bathroom mirror and even had her kids remind her that they’re proud of what she does. And that’s all she needs to continue. “Sure, my feet are sore. My hands are dry but getting this note reminded me why I said 'yes.' I hope this job can be so much more than just serving food. Maybe this post will encourage one of you to find joy in unexpected ways,” the mom concluded.
This article originally appeared 3 months ago.