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Cleaner bullied by boss quits job of 35 years, shares valuable life lesson in her resignation letter

The woman had been working for 35 long years but the moment her manager bullied her, she stood up for herself.
UPDATED AUG 28, 2024
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio

Individuals are on the run trying to make the most successful careers for themselves. However, the most important thing one can earn is respect. Respect as an employee and an employer is a crucial element in any workplace. Nothing matters more than being respected for the job one does, no matter its standing. When a woman named Julie found her respect being jeopardized, she spared no second in taking rightful action. Her son, Joe (@joecousins89), shared a post revealing the same, along with a resignation letter his mom thoughtfully penned, leaving a lesson for many. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Bas Masseus
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Bas Masseus

Joe mentioned that his mother had been working as a cleaner at HSBC Bank for 35 long years. The letter went on to tell the rest of the story. The woman penned a resignation letter and addressed it to all the other employees and to her boss, who was also named Julie. “Hi ladies, tomorrow will be my last clean for HSBC,” the woman wrote. She added that she thoughtfully prepared the next bucket and cleaning materials that the others might need. She then pointed out her reason for leaving and called out her boss for her ruthless behavior toward her. “I left the job, Julie, after the way you dressed me down in the office,” she wrote. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio

Leaving no detail uncovered, she boldly stated that she prioritized her dignity and wasn’t about to let it be trampled by an ignorant person. “It was nothing more than aggressive and cruel but that’s a reflection of your character, not mine,” she added. Concluding the letter with a message that would be engraved in everyone’s minds, she wrote, “Going forward, all of you, please remember, in a world where you can be anything, be kind. Because you all are no better than the cleaner.”

Julie may have lost a job, but she earned a hundredfold respect in the eyes of many with her insightful resignation letter. Her message urges employees to put their respect first and exercise kindness before every other skill. Joe shared a delightful cheer via his caption saying, “This is why I love my mum. She’s been cleaning banks for 35 years and today walked out with this lovely note left for that awful manager. Happy retirement Mum - always have the last laugh eh!” People also applauded Julie for her confident and determined words and for delivering a much-needed reminder in the corporate world. @PatLondon12 wrote, “More power to your mum, hope she's happy in whatever she does next.” 


@Look_its_Rhonda added, “Never understood why people think what they do for a living reflects their importance. I was raised to believe that a job is a job and that anyone getting up and going to work deserves the same respect, whether they pick up trash or run the company. Good for your mom! Respect!” @itssethdarby remarked, “It’s the ‘I’ve left the job, Julie’ that gets me.  Bloody love it. I hope Julie feels suitably embarrassed when she reads it.” @politicalcomic exclaimed, “Your beautiful Mother is a working-class heroine!!! Legend!”