Dad finds out son is a school bully, so he makes him hold a ‘bully sign’ as a lesson - sparks debate

When someone does something wrong, especially for kids, the most important thing to do is make them aware that they have made a mistake. Parents and adults need to focus not so much on the punishment but on the reprimanding part of the scenario. Whatever the response is, it should ensure that the person who has been in the wrongdoing realizes their mistake and improves. A dad, Michael Yager, sparked a debate among parents when he reprimanded his son Jacob for doing something wrong, per WESH News. The young middle school boy had bullied many of his schoolmates and when his father found out, he had to show him some tough love. Parents, however, have mixed opinions about the dad's mode of correction.

In a video shared by NEWS1130, the dad mentioned that his goal was to teach his son a lesson. To make him understand the severity of bullying and the impact it can have was of crucial importance to the dad. "I figured I would teach him a lesson that would embarrass him and make him feel how the kids feel," he explained. The dad was outraged but he chose a mindful way to approach the situation. “I wrote on a signboard, ‘I’m a bully. Honk if you hate bullies,’” the dad mentioned. The father-son duo then drove to a nearby road where Yager instructed his son to wear the sign. As they went about the road, several people passed them and honked at the boy, per the sign. However, to his aid also came others who offered to sit for a while and speak with the father and son.

Jason was “nervous and embarrassed,” and it was not long before he realized how demeaning and upsetting a thing like bullying can be. Wearing the sign pushed Jason to be better. "You never know what someone can be going through. If you want to be the bully, like if you have something inside you, you need to tell someone to go to a guidance counselor or someone," Jason learned. There were mixed responses elicited from parents. Few suggested that it was a harsh and cruel punishment for a child. @nouraahmed7778 wrote, "He is just 13-year-old kid come on." @kingofichigo added, "And now the kid's future employers will have this to watch when they do a background check! Oh wait, did I say future employers? Silly me, this kid is never getting a decent job." @indianseibel123 exclaimed, "The public humiliation of a young boy in front of the whole world ...that's not right."
However, many people applauded the dad and appreciated how he made his son accountable for his actions. @savedbyjesus5444 wrote, “Respect to his dad. He’s making him take responsibility for his actions and not just not do anything and let it continue. @ryankeshet5820 added, “I was bullied severely as a kid. The parents did not do anything that would compel their kids to stop despite knowing what was going on. I respect this dad for taking the necessary action.” @Proj3ta mentioned, “The dad is not harming his son, and the kid is not going through any kind of abuse. The dad doesn't want him to suffer, he only wants to give him a little grip on reality. I'm glad the dad did something."