Daughter finds priceless note from dad in her new car's glovebox — he wants her to remember it in case of an accident

Raising children involves dealing with chaotic and unexpected realities. Most of these are out of our control, but as a part of parenting, people teach their kids to choose the best path to avoid conflicts or errors. When a woman named Alison (@alisoncpinwashingtondcwas) bought her first car, she found just the support she needed from her father. He assured her of the same through a handwritten note he left her in the car’s glove box. The letter comprised a 2-liner message that gave away the most relieving and heartfelt sentiment.

It was the daughter's first car so the dad wanted her to know whom she could turn to, come what may. He placed the car’s registration papers in the glovebox along with the comforting note. “My dad left this note with my license and registration in the glovebox of my first car,” Alison wrote. The note read, “If you need this because of an accident, relax.” The dad took on the responsibility of informing her beforehand that should something untoward happen, she doesn’t need to panic and feel scared. The note added, “You didn’t do it on purpose. I love you, dad.” The father assured his daughter that even in the case of an accident, he trusted her and knew she would never do it deliberately. He also ensured he expressed his love and left the note as a constant and comforting reminder in the glovebox.

The dad put care and love before logistics and ensured he offered his daughter support without her having to ask. Should any untoward incident occur, the girl knows her dad will be by her side and that she’s not alone. “And that perfectly sums up who he is as a person,” she added. The woman also shared a picture of her with her dad, dancing, being carefree and just themselves. The dad’s note wasn’t just to calm her but a gesture of understanding and empathy. Giving someone assurance before they can ask for it and letting them know they’re seen and valued, is a top-tier way to make someone feel loved.

People were overwhelmed with love after seeing the gesture by the dad. Many applauded him for his spontaneous and reassuring words. Others pointed out to Alison that her dad was truly one in a million. @ellabelle._ wrote, “This made me tear up. I didn’t have this kind of father growing up and it makes me so happy to see that others did, that it exists.” @sarahblake98 recalled, “My dad drove 4 hours to pick me up when I put diesel instead of gas in my Honda. He wasn't even mad at all.” @username8373626728 shared, “My dad was never this dad until one day I did badly and was scared to show him my class report. ‘You did your best?’ he asked. ‘Yes.’ ‘That’s all I ever ask of you to be proud.’” @zigandchance noted, “My mom always tells me they’re called accidents for a reason. They’re never done ‘on purpose.’”

You can follow Alison (@alisonpinwashingtondc) on TikTok for more content on lifestyle.