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Family finds dad's hidden 'don't be afraid' note 9 years after his passing - it's addressed to one of his kids

The dad wrote the note when he was struggling with lung cancer. It was found in his beekeeping gear.
Siblings surprised after reading a letter at home. (Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Antonio Guillem)
Siblings surprised after reading a letter at home. (Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Antonio Guillem)

Our parents and loved ones often leave behind tangible and intangible memories for us to cherish when they are gone. Among these are their belongings, heartfelt gestures and even hobbies dear to them. Dr. Amy Clukey (@AmyClukey on X) shared a post revealing that she found something similar that belonged to her father. The woman mentioned that nine years after her father's demise, she stumbled upon a wholesome letter. Clukey found the handwritten letter from her father along with his beekeeping equipment. “Note from my dad found in his beekeeping equipment nine years after his death,” she narrated in her post.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Anastasia Bekker
Woman reading a letter. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Anastasia Bekker)

Cluckey was sure to add that she had been dearly missing her father since his passing. The dad had written the note in 2012 and surprisingly years later, in 2022, she found it. In the thread of her post, the daughter mentioned that the father was battling terminal lung cancer when he wrote the note. He died in 2013. He had 6 children, out of which she was the oldest. She also mentioned that her brother Liam had found the note and that her sister Emily was going to take forward her dad’s beekeeping legacy. The letter read, “I hope this note was found by one of my children who is curious about beekeeping.”

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Mark Stebnicki
A child learning beekeeping skills from professionals. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Mark Stebnicki)

The dad continued to spread words of encouragement and tips for his kids to pick up on the hobby. He wrote, “Beekeeping is actually pretty easy and you can learn everything you need to know online.” The dad further pointed out that "bees make more products than just honey and as a hobby, it can also be an extra source of income.” He concluded the letter by saying, “So don't be afraid, have courage. Good luck. Love, Dad.” The woman was moved by finding the note years after her father’s death. In one of the threads, the woman also shared a picture of herself with her dad from the summer he wrote the note.


In yet another comment, she revealed, “My father wrote this when he had terminal lung cancer. It was incredibly hard for him and for all of us who loved him.” The woman added that her dad had left behind several traditions she and her siblings could cling to. She also mentioned that though she wasn't interested in beekeeping and had other hobbies, her siblings wanted to continue with their father’s hobby. ”He left a lot of traditions, and I don't think I'll be taking this one up any time soon. But a couple of my siblings are interested in doing so,” she mentioned.



People just loved the dad’s thoughtful note. @roamaround1970 wrote, “That's so sweet. My pops died in November. I'd give anything to find a note like this.” @Simspice1 added, “You can almost hear them when you see their handwriting.” @gratefulkoda remarked, “This is dope. Glad I found this, it made me smile. Thank you for sharing.” @irishchink exclaimed, “That makes me want to write letters to my children for when I pass.” @smakhanian wrote, “This made me tear up. He sounds like such a wonderful man.


This article originally appeared 3 months ago.