Desperate mom arrives at neighbor's doorstep with choking 7-yr-old - his doorbell camera catches the life-saving moment

Having a decent neighbor with a good heart is a necessity of sorts in the present times. A lot can go wrong with people living at home and during these emergencies, having someone around to help becomes a life-saving factor. A mom named Stephanie George shared how her neighbor Gary Hutchinson came to her son’s rescue in the nick of time, per ABC News. The boy had been choking over something and the helpless mum rushed to the neighbor’s house. Hutchinson’s astute and kind help saved the boy's life and prevented a massive mishap from taking place that day.

The boy, Sebastian, has a rare genetic condition called “Cornelia de Lange” syndrome. Due to this, he resorts to eating from a feeding tube. Unfortunately, one of the pieces of food didn’t blend as fine and when the boy consumed it, he began choking on it. "I grabbed my phone to call 911, but as I was reaching for my phone unlocking it, typing in the number and looking to assess Sebastian, he was already blue. And that's when I started to panic," the mom recalled. Fearing for his life, the woman took her son and rushed to Hutchinson’s door, where the ring camera captured the conversation.

As soon as George called out for help, the man immediately came out of his house and began to ease the boy's pain. He had received CPR training in the past, so he had some idea of what to do. "I did exactly the way I was trained - hold the airway open, put the baby on my leg, slight thrust to the upper back. They taught us in the class that when you need it, you'll know it,” the neighbor remarked. The camera captured him patting down the boy to help get the stuck food out of his system. Very soon, his method helped and the boy was relieved. Still, in shock and fear, he remained on Hutchinson’s lap while he continued to rub his back gently. George kept talking to her son to let him know he would be fine and stayed right in front of him. Hutchinson and the mom even had a short exchange while the boy got back to normalcy.

The mom apologized for the impromptu request. “What are you sorry for?” Hutchinson asked, assuring that he was “glad” she came over to ask for help. Handing the boy over to his mum, the neighbor smiled and tried his best to talk the boy out of the experience. Soon, things were fine and the mom and son were back home. “It could have been much worse,” George remarked, feeling completely grateful for her neighbor’s quick action and openness to help on the spot. Several people commended the mom for keeping her calm despite being extremely panicked. Others applauded the kindness of Hutchinson. @emjohnson10 noted, “She did everything right. She remained calm, asked for help and even noticed the signs of choking.” @cherriecola4 wrote, “Her calmness saved his life, along with the neighbor.” @10thplntfilipino remarked, “What a great neighbor. He remained calm and saved his life.” @ashley2113 exclaimed, “Way to go neighbor!”
@abcnews An Illinois man saved his neighbor's choking child in a moment that was captured in doorbell camera footage. In the video, the child's mother, Stephanie George, can be seen running over to her neighbor's house carrying her 7-year-old son. George's son, Sebastian, has a rare genetic condition called Cornelia de Lange syndrome and eats through a feeding tube, she told Chicago ABC affiliate WLS-TV. On Saturday evening, a piece of chicken that didn't blend up finely enough became lodged in Sebastian's throat, and she quickly realized he was choking. Fearing it would take emergency responders too long to arrive, George grabbed her son and carried him across the street to the home of her neighbor, Gary Hutchinson. In the moment captured on the doorbell camera, Hutchinson can be seen answering the door, then laying Sebastian across his knee and gently hitting him on the back until the stuck food was dislodged. Hutchinson said he has taken CPR training and is grateful he was able to help his neighbors in their time of need.
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