Entitled customer who was 30 cents short tells cashier 'You can cover it' — staff's on-point response left him 'shocked'

Cashiers encounter a variety of people at the grocery store. Some are nice, others are rude and a few are completely unreasonable. A man named Lyric, who goes by @3lgoofyy on TikTok, shared his ugly encounter with a customer while he was working as a cashier at a grocery store. The customer didn't have the amount he was supposed to pay and he nonchalantly told Lyric to cover for him out of the register. This is something that Lyric couldn't do or else he would have been risking his job. “I don’t care how short you are, by 30 cents, you better find a way because I am not about to go short on my register,” he ranted in his TikTok video.

He recalled how he was scanning the customer's purchases as usual but when it came to pay, the customer revealed that he was 30 cents short. “Okay, well, do you want to take something off?” Lyric asked him. “You can cover it,” the man allegedly told the cashier. Despite it being a small amount, Lyric wasn't ready to risk his job by covering for the customer's purchase out of the register. “I always come out either even or a little over,” he told the customer about closing out his cash register at the end of the day. The customer admitted that mostly he was off by 5 cents but this time it was 30 cents.
But nothing could convince Lyric to cover for the man's shopping and it left the customer shocked. “Suddenly he had an extra dollar bill,” Lyric says as he continues to eat his salad while narrating the event. "I don't care. I really don't. It's not gonna come out of my register. Well, you're tripping," Lyric concluded. Cashiers like him could face some serious consequences if they are short on the register. At the end of the day, if the amount of cash in the register was less than what they rang the customers up for, Lyric could have been fired. Cashiers can get accused of stealing from the register and other small discrepancies as well if the balance on the register doesn't add up.

The comment section came forward to share their opinions on this incident as well. @weeniehutjunior22 shared, "A dude I hadn't spoken to in months called me from the store while he was in line. He said, 'Hey can I borrow $40? I'm in line, I have the money but it's at home,' and I said, 'Well put the stuff back and come back with the money.'" @lulyaps mentioned, "Working at Dollar Tree... people used to leave their change so sometimes I’d used that to cover some people but then I had to stop cause some started thinking it was gonna be a thing every time." @jasminbabeess added, "Working at retail, I used to tell them to 'look down and you’ll find some on the floor.' Thankfully, my manager liked to fight physically and let us stand up for ourselves."
@3lgoofyy 🤨•#fyp#customerserviceproblems #customerservice #customer#customerchronicles #grocerystore##lyricluna ♬ original sound - lyricc ✰
You can follow Lyric (@3lgoofyy) on TikTok for more videos on lifestyle.
This article originally appeared 2 months ago.