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Family finally wins $1.2 million lottery after following the same pattern for the last 30 years

The four members of the family - a mom and her three children - will each get $321,000 from the mega lottery money.
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Erik Mclean
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Erik Mclean

Winning a lottery is a dream come true for many and a family from Peterborough has finally fulfilled this dream for themselves. The family was over the moon when they learned that they bagged a million on the lottery after playing the same numbers since Christmas 1994, according to The National Lottery, U.K.

Pexels | Bruno Vincent
Pexels | Bruno Vincent

The mother and her three children matched the five main numbers and the Bonus Ball in the draw on June 22 and now, after winning £1m prize, they will each bank £250,000 (approx $321,000). Audrey Cobb, 87 hit the jackpot along with her three children: David Cobb, 67, Carol Nobbs, 55 and 60-year-old Sandra Digby. David, the eldest of the three, said that he always knew that they would win the lottery one day. "We’ve had some small wins along the way but I was definitely the favorite big brother when I told my sisters I was giving them each £250,000," he said. “It was an incredible moment, especially for my sister Carol who, after a tough few years, thought she would never have her own home again," he added.

Lottery | Getty Images | Justin Sullivan
Lottery | Getty Images | Justin Sullivan

David's wife Linda found out that they won the lottery when she checked the National Lottery app the morning after the draw. David recalls the moment he heard the good news from his wife. "To be honest I was a bit grumpy and couldn’t be bothered to find my glasses but when your wife of 45 years uses ‘that’ voice and says, ‘no, you really need to read this’, you know you’d better find your glasses!," he says. He soon visited his mum who gave her the good news. "I told mum I had some good news and wanted to tell her and my sisters at the same time, she immediately said ‘have we won the Lottery’ so my plan was slightly scuppered," he said. "We called Carol and Sandra on a group call - Sandra was at the allotment and was so shocked by the news a fellow gardener had to pop over to make sure she didn’t faint, while Carol just burst into tears knowing that her housing woes were a thing of the past," he added.

Pexels |  Andrea Piacquadio
Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio

While David and his mother are deciding on what to do with the money, the sisters have an idea. Carol has already searched for and found her new home. Sandra plans to treat herself to a new car, which is an upgrade on the Volkswagen Polo she currently drives. 

David also explained how he was always sure of winning the lottery with his family. "I’ve never been in any doubt, so from that Christmas catch-up when we jokingly set up the syndicate a few months after the first Lotto draw in November 1994, I’ve been waiting for this moment. To be able to share it with my family is the icing on the cake, and to see that it will help the wider family is the cherry on top," he said.