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Gatecrashers leave bride and groom stunned with their unbelievably hilarious wedding gift

The gatecrashers came, enjoyed the wedding, and were also sure to leave a gift for the newlyweds that left them utterly surprised.
UPDATED JUL 10, 2024
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels|  Анна Хазова
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Анна Хазова

Some people just wait for a chance to gate-crash any event. It can be a birthday party, a wedding, or even a funeral. Their main focus is on eating free food and enjoying free services. But what about a gift in return? A couple recently gatecrashed a wedding and what they presented as a gift left the newlyweds baffled. The bride's brother, u/ProfessionalReveal, mentioned that the couple showed up at the wedding and she was flabbergasted at their gift. He shared an image of the gift and it’s truly unbelievable. The man mentioned that things didn’t turn out great for the gatecrashers as they were soon identified and sent away. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Soner Görkem
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Soner Görkem

The gift consisted of a card with wishes for the couple on the wedding day. There was also a handwritten message on it. It read, “Cheers to a life filled with many special memories. We feel blessed to have been witnesses to your beautiful wedding. We wish you all the best in life.” It seemed as if the couple was happy and proud to have gatecrashed and wanted to show it off with the card and the gift. The card was signed off with “Uncle David and Aunt Nancy.” The presumably senior couple also gave the duo a cash gift but the amount was ridiculously hilarious

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Hong Son
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Hong Son

Visible in the picture was a $10 note along with a $1 note and a few cents. The total amount given to the bride and groom by the couple was $11.54. The brother shared that the unruly couple made their way to the wedding but remained unidentifiable and unrecognized by him. "I noticed the crashers at the time only because they were being thrown out. As I saw them being escorted from the bar to the door, I realized that I didn't recognize them. Nobody had any conversations with them that I know of at the wedding," he said in an interview with Newsweek. It was also revealed that the couple had planned to attend the wedding and it was not a spontaneous decision. 

They had been asking around and speaking with other guests about the wedding. After spotting the gift two days after the wedding, the man was eager to find out who the couple was. "When they saw the card and money yesterday, they instantly knew who it was. They sent the photo that I eventually posted to our combined group chat. After some disbelief and extra confirmation there's no David or Nancy, the whole (newly joined) family was beside themselves with laughter,” he recalled. It was a light-hearted scenario for the whole family, as well as for the people on the internet. u/Historical_Animal_17 wrote, “Dinner for two for less than $12. Not bad. They scored, but I give them credit for leaving something.” 

u/mablesyrup added, “Great story! I love that they just left whatever cash they had on them - change included.” In another comment, the man added, “Halfway through a great wedding, I see my dad's best friend hauling a drunk couple out of the reception. We thought it was hilarious and thought nothing more of it. David and Nancy, wherever you are, you provided us with a lifelong story and a core memory. Sorry, you got kicked out. From the looks of it, you thoroughly enjoyed yourselves!”

Image Source: Reddit|u/2squishmaser
Image Source: Reddit|u/2squishmaser
Image Source: Reddit|u/Hyds
Image Source: Reddit|u/Hyds