Gay couple noticed a homophobic slur scratched on their front door – they had the perfect comeback

Facing hate with humor is no easy feat, but one gay couple handled it flawlessly. After an unknown individual scratched a homophobic slur into their front door, the couple living there chose to clap back with style. Instead of reacting with anger, they posted a note next to the vandalized area, delivering a hilariously sophisticated critique of the perpetrator’s poor craftsmanship. It was shared by u/pwnyride13 on Reddit with the caption, "Someone scratched a gay slur into my buddy and his boyfriend's door, their response is priceless."

The note read, "To the individual who scrawled the word 'fag**t into our door: We regret to inform you that you completely failed to use glitter paint and/or sequins, your work looked rushed, and your handwriting was positively atrocious. It is for these reasons that we had to remove your work from our door with sandpaper. Fabulously yours, The Gays in Apt. 611." Their response was the definition of turning hate into humor and the internet absolutely loved it. u/DogToggleSwitch wrote, "I know it's mostly used in a negative context, but I've always thought there was a festive nature to the phrase 'the gays.' Hey everyone, the gays are here. Let's party!"

u/LutherJackson said, "Best response. Glad they took the high road. And I am also thinking of taking 'fabulously yours' as my signature for emails. It's glorious." u/TupacalypseN0w added, "I hope if somebody does something this offensive to me one day, I have as awesome of a response as these dudes. However, I feel like I would just end up in my room passive aggressively imagining how I am going over and knocking them all out, but instead just playing GTA for 5 hours straight." u/One_Da_Bread simply said, "Props for your ability to take it all in stride... Can't control people's actions, but you can plot reactions. Amazingly well done."

Someone scratched a gay slur into my buddy and his boyfriends door, their response is priceless
byu/pwnyride13 infunny
Although this incident was brushed off with a little bit of humor, for most LGBTQ+ people, facing bigotry is part of everyday life, which needs more than just a clever response to erase the harm it causes. In another story, a homophobic substitute teacher tried to shame a fifth grader in Utah for having gay dads, but this time, the students fought back. At Deerfield Elementary School, a substitute teacher asked her students to share what they were thankful for. When it was fifth grader Daniel’s turn, he proudly said, "I'm thankful that I'm finally going to be adopted by my two dads."
That’s when the teacher immediately lashed out. "Why on earth would you be happy about that?" she asked. She told the class that "two men living together is a sin" and that it was "wrong." She even told Daniel that he had "nothing to be thankful for." Upon hearing the teacher's response, three girls immediately stood up for him, demanding the teacher stop. When she wouldn’t, they walked out of the classroom and went straight to the principal. The school took swift action and the substitute teacher was removed from the classroom that day and was fired later.