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Grandma hears a knock at the front door and discovers a mysterious box–when she opens it, her 'dream' comes true

The woman looked around and found no one when she spotted the box, so she was a little afraid to open it.
(L) A box kept at a person's doorstep. (R) A grandma standing outside with a surprised expression on her face. Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock Project
(L) A box kept at a person's doorstep. (R) A grandma standing outside with a surprised expression on her face. Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock Project

A furbaby can be a really good companion for people who like animals. A grandma really wanted a basset hound which happened to be her "dream" dog. So when she opened the door one day, to find a box at her doorstep, she really couldn't have imagined what was inside it. The woman's granddaughter, Paige Mitchell, who goes by @paigemitchell__ on TikTok, took to the platform to show how they surprised her grandma and her reaction to seeing her dream dog.

A basset hound standing on the grass and looking up at a person. Representative Image Source: Pexels | Jennifer Ramos Rossi
A dog standing on the grass and looking up at a person. Representative Image Source: Pexels | Jennifer Ramos Rossi

As the video began, two girls put a box close to white double doors with flower wreaths and tried to be as quiet as possible as they left a dog inside it. "Surprising our grandma with her dream dog, a basset hound," the text overlay of the video read. One girl ran away as the door started opening while another one hid close to the door to keep a watch on the dog inside the box. Their grandma opened the door and looked ahead to see who was at her door. However, as no one was around, her eyes immediately went to the box in front of her. "Hoping she doesn't see us first!" As she carefully bent down to see what was inside the box, their old dog, Sammy, came out and tried to come outside.

As the woman was not sure what was inside the box, she urged her dog to get back inside. "Come here! Sam! Sammy! Get back!" she repeated. While trying to send her dog back, the grandma spotted her granddaughter hiding behind the door. "Oh, hi honey!" the woman greeted her granddaughter who told her to "open the box." The grandma replied, "I am afraid to look," as she opened it nonetheless, to find a basset hound inside it. "Oh my god!" she exclaimed as she took the little dog in her arms. "She was immediately in love," Mitchell revealed. The grandma hugged the dog close and showered her with kisses. "Are you a sweetheart?" she babbled while the grandpa tried to get their dog, Sammy, back inside. "He's not gonna run away, all the kids are here," the woman reassured him.

She ended up naming the dog Taffy. "Oh my god, you guys are crazy," the woman remarked, her voice thick with emotion. The video ended with the little dog drinking water from a bowl as her floppy ears dipped inside it. The clip received more than 8.5 million views and over 1.7 million likes. People took to the comments to appreciate the surprise the granddaughters planned for their grandma and to admire the cute basset hound.

Image Source: TikTok | @eesh1990
Image Source: TikTok | @eesh1990

Image Source: TikTok | @crystalreneee3
Image Source: TikTok | @crystalreneee3

@cwoods21 wrote, "If you don’t want her ears to dip in the water they make bowls for basset hounds, but that was so funny." Many people wondered how the old dog Sammy felt about the surprise. Mitchell replied, "Sammy is my grandpa's buddy! Mema needed her gal pal. Mema & Grandpa have matching recliners and now they both have dogs sitting with them." @why.didi.make.this commented, "Her laughing as she’s picking up her new baby knowing the new loving memories she’s about to experience." @wocky_slushh002 remarked, "We did the same for my grandma with the same dog! My brother got him after she passed."

You can follow Paige Mitchell (@paigemitchell__) on TikTok for more lifestyle content.