Man launches GoPro into space using balloon and what it captures looks straight out of a sci-fi movie

Flying on hot air balloons is something that's often on the wishlist of adventurous travelers or one of the things couples dreaming of a unique wedding consider. But these balloons have also been used for other purposes such as monitoring the weather and even space exploration. Taking a cue from past expeditions, YouTuber Stuart Shippee, who goes by the name “BloonStu”, launched a camera into space with a hot air balloon and the results were mind-blowing.

The GoPro has been the go-to camera for a majority of the population for all their photography dreams and likewise with the YouTuber. The device has been known for several features like its clarity, wide zoom and more. However, one of its top qualities is now the view it gives, even from space! The vlogger started in Northeast Texas and ensured that all rules and regulations were followed while experimenting. After soaring into the air, the first aerial view captured was that of a breathtaking country visual of Texas. Taking its time, the balloon kept flying higher with the camera after which the clouds started to cover the landscape.

As it reached a higher altitude surrounded totally by clouds, it was stunning how it appeared as if it was nestled in the midst of clouds and was drifting away akin to visuals from a fairytale. The angle was so on point that it gave a first-person perspective and a first-hand experience to anyone watching. After a certain point, the height felt jaw-dropping yet breathtaking and with a few openings visible from the clouds, the camera captured how far above ground it had actually come. Soaring higher and higher above, it reached a point where the camera was so up above that the clouds started to look like popcorn or cotton candy scattered below.

Shippee noted distinct milestones crossed by the balloon, one of which was past the thunderstorms in the Northern and Eastern portions. “We are now well in the stratosphere,” the overlay text of the video read. Right enough, there was a kind of line or curve depicting something beyond the clouds. Giving the outline of the Earth, after a few minutes, the camera was magically over the Earth and the view was enough to leave viewers speechless. The balloon continued to move further up making the outline of the Earth’s atmosphere clearer and clearer. Marking this area “Near Space,” Shippee mentioned that the GoPro managed to reach 17 miles high viz. An altitude over 90000 ft.

The gigantic flood of clouds now looked like dots and there was a vast realm of visuals left to experiment. Unfortunately, the balloon quickly burst after its 17-mile-high journey and was retrieved with tracking equipment among other tools by Shippee shortly after.