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Millennial woman was called 'miserable' for not having kids — her perfect response is resonating with many people

When people ask her what she would do in her old age, she knows exactly what to say.
(L) A woman playing with her kids in her home. (R) Single woman scrolling on her phone. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Elina Fairytale; Mikhail Nilov)
(L) A woman playing with her kids in her home. (R) Single woman scrolling on her phone. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Elina Fairytale; Mikhail Nilov)

One person's idea of a good life can be drastically different from someone else's. It also might not meet the society's set standards. A millennial woman, who doesn't want to have kids, shared the kind of comments she gets when she tells people the same. Many people have called her "miserable" or "selfish" for her choice. So, the woman, Natalie, who goes by @nattythebratty on TikTok, took to the platform to respond to people who thought her choice of not having kids was wrong for one reason or another.

Two women walking on a road with their luggage. Representative Image Source: Pexels | Ketut Subiyanto
Two women walking on a road with their luggage. Representative Image Source: Pexels | Ketut Subiyanto

"Comments that I get when I say I don't want kids," the woman wrote in the text overlay of the video. She expressed that whenever she tells people that she doesn't want kids, many people tell her, "You sound so miserable." Natalie responded, "So miserable in my business class seat on a random Wednesday, flying to Europe, yeah, so miserable that I don't have kids." Other people asked her who would be taking care of her when she was older. "Tanya at the nursing home is going to take care of me when I am older. That's where you are probably going to be too." She added, "Because kids won't be bothered. They are going to have their own lives and they are going to have their own kids."

Natalie even suggested that people shouldn't have kids with the expectation that they are going to take care of them. "That's not what they are for. If that's the reason why you are having kids, you are having kids for the wrong reasons." Some people also told her that she could still travel even after having kids. "If you have it like that, then more power to you." The woman expressed that they might have the money, but she can only afford to pay for herself to go on trips. She repeated the saying, "You have to put your oxygen mask first, before anybody else's." The creator felt that she was doing just that. "You do you, I am doing me, and mind your own business."

The caption to the post read, "Call me selfish, I don't care. Have a great day." The video received more than 355,000 views and over 52,000 likes. People took to the comments section of the video to support the woman. @redsab4thh wrote, "I feel like people who have kids don’t get it. Imagine someone asking you the opposite over and over again 'Do you regret having kids? Are you miserable with your kids?'" @sommerharkins commented, "I have children. However, I'm so proud of this generation of women who have actually thought about having kids. Not merely having them as a 'natural' progression of life or obligation."

Image Source: TikTok | @qtpie213
Image Source: TikTok | @qtpie213

Image Source: TikTok | @maureenjokii00
Image Source: TikTok | @maureenjokii00

@prod920 remarked, "I don’t understand why people take others not wanting kids SO personally. If they’re jealous they should just say that." @ct6862 shared, "People are just mad that you were not brainwashed and indoctrinated into thinking that a woman's value is only as a mother or wife." @t.k.p97 expressed, "The way my 52-year-old childfree self decided to go to Turks and Caicos on Friday evening and was checked into the Palms hotel by 2:00 on Saturday is why I will never have regrets."

You can follow Natalie (@nattythebratty) on TikTok for more lifestyle content.