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People are revealing hilariously wild things they believed as kids and the list is as bizarre as it gets

Because of our limited knowledge, we might believe in strange things as kids, and these can be very funny to recount.
Two kids sitting on the grass and reading a book. Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Vika Glitter
Two kids sitting on the grass and reading a book. Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Vika Glitter

Most of us might have believed in something bizarre as a child. It might be because of a limited knowledge of reality, or a wild imagination holding no boundaries as a kid. But no matter the reason, the belief often turns into a funny and embarrassing anecdote when we grow up. So when a person on Reddit, u/saskatchewanchrome, revealed their friend's weird belief about grass and horses, many people followed suit. "I've eaten grass as a kid because I wanted to do the race with the boys. Horses eat grass and they run fast, so thought I would like, outrun them," the friend admitted in a text message to the user. The friend eventually won the race, but it was "probably" not because of the grass.

A girl smiling with her hands on her face while sitting on a chair. Representative Image Source: Pexels | Alexander Dummer
A girl smiling with her hands on her face while sitting on a chair. Representative Image Source: Pexels | Alexander Dummer

The message left the user quite stunned. "You thought grass would give you the magic powers of speed?" they asked. The friend agreed and said that she thought eating grass worked for the horses so would have worked in her case too. The revelation left many people in stitches and they went on to share their bizarre beliefs from childhood. Some thought that movies happened in real-time as they watched, while others were sure that a person is born with different hairstyles. Here are some of the funniest beliefs people had as kids.

1. How recording works

I think everyone has something dumb they believed as a kid. I didn't understand recordings as a kid and thought movies were happening in real-time, XD. -u/NetherWitchborn

2. Permanent bangs

I didn’t know people grew out their bangs. I thought people who didn’t have bangs cut them off. That was an awkward lesson… I was 7 at least. -u/Fried_0nion_Rings

3. Songs on radio

I used to think every song you heard on the radio was the artist performing live. When Michael Jackson got hurt in that Pepsi commercial, I was in the 3rd grade. The day after the news came out, I told my mom, 'He's OK, he's OK! I just heard Billie Jean on the radio, so he must be OK!' The look of disappointment in learning her son was a moron was confusing, but justified, now that I think about it. -u/Candid-Towel3365

4. Where do homeless people live?

I used to think that homeless people lived in sewers and that they lived on what went down the drain so I used to intentionally put drinks down the drain for them and I also used to put soapy water down the bathtub drain so they could get clean. I remember always imagining them down there so excited about something good coming down for them. -u/Extension_Break_7298

5. Eating your fortune

As a kid I used to think that you had to eat the fortune inside the fortune cookies for it to actually come true. -u/peachmini

6. A blue and green world

At around age 8 I thought people with blue eyes saw everything in blue, green eyes saw everything green….without applying any logic to the fact that I have brown eyes, lol. -u/Beginning_Panda_5785

7. When trees create wind

I used to think the trees created the wind. -u/Sawsy2004

8. Planes cutting open the sky

I thought the plane vapor trails were the planes cutting open the atmosphere and was taking away oxygen as a kid.  -u/PlayfullInstructions46

9. A traumatizing truth

I thought we only ate animals that died of old age. I remember feeling really traumatized when I found out we killed them for food. -u/aimeerosestudio

10. Ants in bodies?

I used to think ants ran the food and functions inside our bodies and that loose" ants were the ones that left dead bodies. - u/Starflier55

11. One box of Tampax, please?

When I was a kid, there was a tampon ad with girls doing all types of sports, snow boarding , hiking, everything that looked cool. As a 7 year old boy, I asked for a box of tampax for christmas...I thought you needed them to do sports! - u/DreadHeadedDummy 

12. The magic of tears

I thought my falling tears would bring my hermit crab back to life. -u/fresh_outtafux