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Woman adorably poses for pictures without realizing her boyfriend had the biggest surprise lined up

The man and photographer had a dreamy proposal planned but when it was disrupted, he had the smoothest improvisation.
UPDATED AUG 15, 2024
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Daniel Moises Magulado
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Daniel Moises Magulado

Getting creative with proposals is a must. Besides being a surprise, anyone would want to make their relationship official in a pleasant and personal setting. An out-of-the-world experience must be rendered for a moment that is going to become a lifelong memory. A photographer named Nick captured a heart-melting proposal for a couple in the most tricky and wholesome way. The man, who runs the @banff_photography account on TikTok, shared a clip of the same. As Nick was around the place filming, getting ready to capture what was supposedly a pre-planned proposal, their flow was hindered by the woman’s actions. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Caleb Oquendo
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Caleb Oquendo

She had no idea about the proposal and casually called Nick to take a picture of her with her partner and another person with them. The photographer was caught off guard, but he obliged and took the picture. He didn’t reveal that he was a photographer and posed as a tourist with an apparent camera just enjoying the chilling view. He continued to engage with the couple, trying his best not to reveal any awkwardness or suspicion. The ideal plan was presumably that the duo would have their proposal happen with the guy getting down on a knee and catching his partner by surprise. However, the woman, cluelessly, had already arrived at the spot and even called on the photographer. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Tran Studios Photography
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Tran Studios Photography

To smoothen things out and play around, Nick offered to take a couple of shots of the couple with his camera. He had to play along with the trio to make it seem like it was an impromptu meet. As the couple posed, Nick pretended to guide them like an amateur and went with the flow. “Just another casual Canadian thing to happen,” he remarked sarcastically. Despite their efforts and the breathtaking pictures, Nick wasn’t able to get the proposal in a flow. To make things better, he offered to capture them in an “artsy pose,” and the woman unknowingly obliged. He asked the couple to face back to back so that they couldn’t see each other.

While the woman thought it was a pose, he was sneakily helping the man get ready by giving him time to take out the ring. Having both of them back to back, Nick continued to pretend that it was a pose, as the man got ready. It was almost time and the photographer got ready and started snapping shots of the couple. The man coordinated through eye glances and gestures, and in time, turned towards his partner and got down on a knee. The woman, still aloof of the plan, facing her back towards him continued to pose. As soon as the woman turned, she was taken aback in shock. “Wait, wait!” she exclaimed, completely speechless.

Image Source: TikTok|@mrdagree
Image Source: TikTok | @mrdagree

Image Source: TikTok| @bethyred
Image Source: TikTok | @bethyred

Nick captured all the moments of surprise and smiles as planned and continued his job. What followed was the woman adorably saying yes after which her partner spilled the beans on Nick’s true identity. “You guys played that off so well!” she exclaimed, still baffled by what happened. “Mission failed successfully,” Nick wrote as he revealed the priceless shots he captured of the duo. @souafilms wrote, “I feel like I got proposed because even I wasn’t expecting that.” @thekenyankid added, “You were so charismatic while rolling with this that you made it 100 times better while maintaining the element of surprise! Insane!”

You can follow Nick (@banff_photography) for more content on photography and lifestyle.