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Pink on the 'only reason' she and husband Carey Hart are still together — it's as real as it gets

The singer shared that neither she nor her husband had a model in their families to understand how a relationship works.
(L) Singer Pink at an interview with Carson Daly. (R) Pink poses for a selfie with husband Carey Hart. (Cover Image Source: YouTube |; Instagram | @pink)
(L) Singer Pink at an interview with Carson Daly. (R) Pink poses for a selfie with husband Carey Hart. (Cover Image Source: YouTube |; Instagram | @pink)

Couples in a stable marriage know it takes equivalent effort from both sides to make their relationship work. Such an effort can look quite different for different people. American singer and songwriter Pink shared the only reason why her marriage to her husband, Carey Hart, has worked in an interview with Carson Daly, and it has resonated with many people on the internet. The extended interview with the singer was shared on TODAY's YouTube page.

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As the singer candidly talked about her mental health struggles and shared how she dealt with them, she also shared one practice with her husband that has helped them stay together over the years. "What I do is I keep the right people around me and I go to therapy," Pink expressed. "Carey and I have been in couple's counseling almost our entire 17 years together. It is the only reason why we are still together." She further explained the need for a therapist, "Because he speaks Polish and I speak Italian and she speaks both." The "So What" singer pointed out that both of them come from broken families. "We had no model of how we are supposed to keep this family together in this crazy life." As no book would explain the couple how things would work, they go to counseling and that works well for them.


Pink's best friend, Laura, who was also her assistant for five years, was the one who encouraged her to go to therapy. The star recommended that everybody should go to therapy, keep a journal, or find a way to get their thoughts on paper. The singer even shared a photo of herself with her husband on her Instagram profile, @pink. She shared various aspects of marriage through the caption and revealed that she was glad she had made it this far with her husband. "He’s still my favorite sweet little dirtball. He and I have been at this a long time and it is our relentless and stubborn idealism that keeps us together."

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Pink called marriage "awful, wonderful, comfort and rage." She also suggested it could be "boring, terrifying and a total nail-biter." The singer continued, "It is loving another fallible creature while trying to love yourself. It is a lifetime of coming back to the table." She shared how people laugh at them because the couple is either fighting or laughing all the time. They also "roll their eyes" when they talk about therapy. "But I’ll tell you what. It’s worth it. All of it. Even when it isn’t." The "Try" singer wrote how therapy was not for "weak people or hippies or liberals. It’s for broken people that want to be whole. It’s for runaways that want a family."

Image Source: Instagram | @mommypetite
Image Source: Instagram | @mommypetite
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Image Source: Instagram | @kmitalinda

The singer called therapy a lesson on how to "sit down and listen" and how to love oneself so the other person can do the same for you. "I love you, babe. I’m grateful we made it to this photo," the post concluded. People took to the comment section of her Instagram post to celebrate the message. @steve_and_wandy wrote, "Your words are so true it gave me goosebumps! 18 married, keep fighting! (And awesome picture)." @hollybrumley14 commented, "I’m a fan of therapy. Oh yes! More people need to understand how incredibly amazing you feel when you can move past the s*** that holds you down. I get it girl. Love you both."