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Server felt something was 'off' about a family with teen boy at diner. Her simple note saved his life

The boy seemed quiet and distraught and the server knew she had to do something to help- and it made all the difference
Representative Cover Image Source: (L) kali9| Getty Images, (R) Tatsiana Volkava; Getty Images
Representative Cover Image Source: (L) kali9| Getty Images, (R) Tatsiana Volkava; Getty Images

A little observation and courage go a long way in making a difference in someone’s life. In any setting, situations catch us off guard and it’s only astute thinking that can help. A woman named Flaviane Pimenta Carvalho, a server at Mrs. Potato Restaurant in Florida, quickly responded to a silent cry for help, per CNN. When she saw a teenager seated at a table seemingly quiet and distraught, she knew something was up. She persisted in her indirect attempts to find out whether something was wrong and managed to save the boy’s life. Her response? Nothing but careful observation and a powerful 4-word note

Representative Image Source: Kobus Louw| Getty Images
Representative Image Source: Kobus Louw| Getty Images

The woman was waiting on the boy’s table. The boy was with family but seemed uncomfortable and quiet. Being a mother of a teenager herself, Carvalho felt something wasn’t right. She observed the family and realized they weren’t letting the boy have anything. He also had a scratch on his elbow and was quiet and upset. The server enquired about why he was not eating by asking whether the items were okay. However, the family assured her that he would dine at home. “You don’t deny food for a kid, especially in a restaurant,” Carvalho said. She immediately called foul play and wanted to help. Frightened about who the people were and what the situation may be, Carvalho proceeded with caution. 

Representative Image Source: Imgorthand| Getty Images
Representative Image Source: Imgorthand| Getty Images

“I thought I needed to do something. I could not see him go away without any help,” she recalled. She then sent the boy a first note asking whether he was okay. Discreetly, slipping the note when the parents weren’t looking, she waited at a distance for a response. The boy nodded “no.” To get a better confirmation before involving authority, the woman sent another note that sealed the deal. She wrote only 4 words that read, “Do you need help?” The boy immediately nodded yes. As soon as Carvalho got that cue, she notified her boss and immediately dialed 911. 

After the police arrived, they questioned the boy, who complained of child abuse via beatings and being denied food. The parents were held accountable and on further checking, it was revealed that the two were guilty of several child abuse and neglect allegations. Erin Lawler, who looked into the case, revealed that the boy was sent to a hospital for further checkups and was found to be tortured and 20 pounds underweight for his age. “What this child had gone through was torture. I’m a mother and seeing what that 11-year-old had to go through… It shocks your soul,” Lawler remarked. Sharing in a Facebook post, Carvalho revealed that she was obliged to help the boy, seeing his plight. 

Representative Image Source: Imgorthand| Getty Images
Representative Image Source: Imgorthand| Getty Images

She also received an “Everyday Hero” Award from the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children for her courageous act. “I feel that I did what any human being should do and that is to stand up and reach out to help a child in danger. I'll never forget the feeling I had when I saw that little boy – I just knew something wasn't right! She added that despite being scared, she pushed herself to look into the matter and that made all the difference. “Each of us can promise to look after children everywhere – each of us can make a difference!” she noted.