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She thought she lost her husband who slipped into coma after massive hemorrhagic stroke — then, the impossible happened

The woman was worried that her 10-month-old daughter would have to grow up without her dad before things took a massive turn.
(L) A man in coma on a hospital bed. Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Tima Miroshnichenko; (R) A woman crying.  Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Liza Summer
(L) A man in coma on a hospital bed. Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Tima Miroshnichenko; (R) A woman crying. Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Liza Summer

Some medical cases might seem like actual miracles. They bring hope and strength to a person's life. A woman, Stacie Barber, knew that there was a high possibility that her husband wouldn't make it after being in a coma due to a hemorrhagic stroke. The man faced several other life-threatening problems after the stroke and while it seemed impossible for him to get through all of it, he did. The wife, who is a physical therapist going by @thephysiofix on Instagram, is now set on supporting her husband on his recovery path, as per a video shared by her on Instagram.

Doctors operating on a patient in an operating room. Representative Image Source: Pixabay | Sasint
Doctors operating on a patient in an operating room. Representative Image Source: Pixabay | Sasint

The video showed the woman's husband transitioning from being in a coma to lifting a deadweight in four months. It showed the man's progress, including getting out of the coma, gradually walking with support and moving his fingers again. "In September, my entire world came crashing down, when I learned my husband had one of the biggest hemorrhagic strokes the neurosurgeon had ever seen," the woman wrote in the caption. She was in Australia at that time and felt that she would never get to see her husband again. The stroke was just one part of the problem as the man "also had pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and had developed a pulmonary embolism in the hospital."

The wife was worried that her daughter Oakley, who was 10 months old at the time, would have to grow up without her father. "That’s the thought that kept me up at night." She added, "But, lucky for me and 'lucky Logan' (what the medical staff called the husband), it wasn’t his time." No one knew how the man survived three conditions that were "sure to kill him." Dr. Barber thought, "Maybe it’s because together, he and I are meant to redefine what’s possible for stroke recovery by combining neuro rehab, ortho rehab and strength & conditioning principles." The woman felt that the "coolest" part was that they were using something that brought them together — lifting weights.

The wife doesn't know what the future has in store for the family but she believes that they can achieve all goals that the man sets for himself together. "I will continue to do whatever I can to help him and support him, so our family can one day become whole again," she expressed. The physical therapist requested people to keep the family in their prayers. People in the comments section of the video showed their support for the family. @anniefitnesssteyning wrote, "This is so beautiful. Such an inspiring story of hope, love and determination. You are both simply incredible."

Image Source: Instagram | @magm836
Image Source: Instagram | @magm836

Image Source: Instagram | @mono_blanco_77
Image Source: Instagram | @mono_blanco_77

@melbaprado01 commented, "Aww, this video had my eyes so sweaty. May God continue to be with you all and make you stronger with each passing day. 'With God all things are possible.'" @terrancehawthorne shared, "Awesome testimony, thanks for sharing. I really appreciate this testimony and miracle. It really gives me hope to believe that my wife, who is also a stroke survivor and aneurysm survivor, will heal too. God bless you and your recovery journey and once again thanks." @msdeelo11 remarked, "This is just overwhelming to watch. This man is so determined and never quits! But, you didn't either. You both are the real thing, a true team!"

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A post shared by Dr. Stacie Barber | Physical Therapist + Strength Coach (@thephysiofix)


You can follow Dr. Stacie Barber (@thephysiofix) on Instagram for more videos on strength training.