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Soccer team captain diagnosed with cancer gets emotional seeing teammates' gesture to support him

The captain's cancer journey is being fueled with overwhelming support from his entire team and it's the best medicine.
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Tima Miroshnichenko
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Tima Miroshnichenko

Sports are not just about the game, the skills and the score. It’s fueled with love, unity, respect and so many other values athletes build along the way. When it comes to teams, they develop team spirit through personal and professional encounters that stick with them for life. A team is not just a team, it becomes a family over the years. Sweden’s football club Kalmar AIK FK expressed their team spirit after their captain Markus Herman was diagnosed with cancer. The team has been sharing Herman’s journey on their Instagram page and has also been sharing support for the footballer.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Alexander Nadrilyanski
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Alexander Nadrilyanski

Having developed a personal understanding of how cancer changes the lives of the victims and their loved ones, Kalmar AIK FK is out to spread awareness about the condition through their beloved captain Herman. They have also been documenting Herman’s journey and how his teammates are strongly there by his side. With a diagnosis like cancer, there’s not much loved ones can do besides caring for the person and becoming their support system. Fellow footballers of the Sweden Club have done just the same through impactful gestures. They have ensured that Herman is not alone in this trying journey and have become in a true sense a team to battle the same. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Julius Holstein
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Julius Holstein

Recently, the club organized and enthusiastically played a match for Herman. It was organized to help fund Herman’s treatment and to provide emotional and financial support to him. Sharing a gist of the wonderful results the match yielded in a post, the caption read, “Last Saturday we didn't just play for points, but for our friend and teammate Markus Herman who is fighting cancer. We were 0-3 down at half-time, but with Markus in mind, we turned around and the final score was 3-3.” All the proceeds of the match, as planned, went to the captain for his treatment, and he also received an unwavering dose of support from his team and fans. “We are touched by how much love and support has flowed in, not only from Kalmar but from all over Sweden and the world,” the caption read. 

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Adding more, the club shared, “This match reminded us that football is so much more than just a game - it's about community, strength and always fighting for each other. Markus, we stand with you every step of the way!” But that was not all; as an ultimate act of support and united strength, the team members came together for something heartwarming. Another video captured several footballers from the team shaving their heads in solidarity with Herman as he continued his fight with the illness. Stig Lagerwell, Karl Axelsson, Gustav Bexel, David Stangler, and several other teammates of the Kalmar AIF FK shaved their heads on camera before they could head to surprise Herman. 

The captain who had already shaved his head ahead of treatment, entered the locker room to find a heap of hair on the floor and all his teammates standing proud and tall with their shaved heads. Herman wasn’t able to take in the love and immense support and broke down in smiles and tears. This mixed reaction was followed by the strongest hugs and smiles from his teammates. This sportsmanship, this love, this unity, is what makes football. 

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