Sports doctor settles the debate on whether you should or shouldn’t sleep with socks on

Some people love to get all cozy when it’s bedtime. They need their night routine, perhaps their favorite pillows and PJs or even socks to get good sleep. For many, this is out of habit or simply because it feels more comfortable. However, many believe that wearing socks to bed may not be the best idea. Both parties have reasons to back their beliefs, so the ongoing debate has left many confused. But a pediatrician and sports doctor, Jess (@doctorjesss), has finally settled the debate. The doctor noted that wearing socks to bed is beneficial. This is not out of preference but holds a scientific reason.

“Wearing socks makes your feet warm and this opens up the blood vessels that cool the body down,” the doctor explained. She added that once the body cools down, it enters a more relaxed state which gives off brain the signal that it’s “time for bed.” She added that this stimulates sleep, thus pushing people who wear socks to “sleep faster.” Behavioral sleep disorder specialist Michelle Drerup, PsyD, DBSM, also noted that wearing socks can help you sleep not only faster but also better, per Cleveland Clinic. Drerup explained that our bodies move to a lower temperature to help us sleep well. This happens with the help of the circadian rhythm, a 24-hour internal clock that is responsible for our sleep cycle.

However, if our feet are bare and they get cold due to several factors, the body's temperature rises to send more blood to circulate efficiently. When the body temperature rises, it hinders our sleep pattern, causing all the tossing and turning. “By making your feet warmer, you’re opening up blood vessels to help cool down the rest of the body,” noted Dr. Drerup. “So increasing the blood circulation to your feet results in a lower core temperature. It seems counterintuitive, but that’s what happens.” Turns out, there are ample other benefits of sleeping with socks on. Since it affects the entire blood flow in the body and keeps the feet warm, it also prompts other good stuff.

Reducing Raynaud’s syndrome, a disorder that affects blood vessels in the toes, and managing hot flashes during menopause are a few on the list. Drerup added that applying lotion on the feet and then covering it with socks gives an added skincare benefit. “It locks that moisture in to keep your heels and feet from getting dry,” she mentioned. One can choose to wear comfortable or loose pairs of socks. The idea is to keep the feet warm and relaxed. Simple and natural materials like cotton, wool and so on are a good pick.

Drerup cautioned that wearing socks doesn’t always guarantee good sleep, nor does it help with other major issues affecting sleep. “If you’re having significant sleeping difficulties, don’t expect socks to be a magic solution. Putting on a pair won’t calm your racing thoughts or eliminate the day’s anxiety when you lie down in bed,” she said. She recommended giving it a try and enjoying it to the fullest if it works.
You can follow Dr. Jess (@doctorjesss) on TikTok for more content on health and lifestyle.