Woman shamed man on Facebook for sleeping in McDonald’s — the viral post ended up changing his life

In some incidents, good things come out of unexpected events. A woman shamed a guy for sleeping at McDonald's through a Facebook post, but it changed the dad's life for the better. The man, Simon Childs, was homeless at the time and was sleeping on a bench between his breaks. He had just closed his eyes when the woman snapped his picture and posted it on a Facebook group, as per CNN. Surprisingly, an entire community came forth to help the man.

The 21-year-old dad was working at the Fayette County branch of the restaurant chain when the incident took place. "Just another reason for me to leave Fayetteville," the woman wrote in a Facebook post expressing her distaste over the man sleeping there. She added, "I was in the McDonald’s in the middle of town and I saw this guy sleeping in the booth. I went and told an employee that someone was asleep in their booth and her response was, 'Oh yeah, we know hee hee, it’s ok' and I said, 'Not really, but whatever'." The man was homeless and also going through a difficult time in his life as he had lost his mother and had to take care of his son by himself, as per the outlet.
"It kind of hurt to see my picture up there, you know?" Childs admitted. But people who saw the post decided to do something positive for the man instead of joining in the criticism. Some people donated a hotel room for the dad and son to stay in. The man also received diapers, clothes and other supplies for his son when it came to work, as well as job offers for him to take up after the post gathered some attention online. The man had never expected something good would come out of the post. "I thought it was something negative and nobody would care about it," Childs expressed. He also pointed out that he doesn't have any hard feelings for the woman who made that post about him. The man emphasized that things had changed in a great way for him.
"I’m not homeless, not now, thanks to her," he said. The man has a newborn son and people were deeply touched by his story, as per ABC 7. A person also let the man borrow their car so he could go to the job interviews easily as per the outlet. A man called Dawn Williams started a GoFundMe on behalf of Simon Childs and many people donated to help the man create a better life for himself and his family. "The community saw the woman’s post and is now helping this man by donating hotel rooms, clothing, transportation and permanent shelter. All funds collected will be payable directly to Simon Child. His goal is to be able to get his own place for his family," the description read.
In an update, the person shared, "Simon meets his new work team! Dressed for comfortable travel as they head out of town to the job site! Safe travels and good luck on your new adventure!" The GoFundMe received over $10,000, much higher than its target of $5,000, with about 390 donations for the man.