Stranger leaves heartwarming note on cancer hospital's vending machine and it's moving people to tears

The most random acts of kindness often have the power to make someone’s day even in the gloomiest of times. What seems to be mundane and simple, can wonderfully touch someone’s heart. That's what happened when a stranger at the Christie Cancer Hospital decided to make things easier for the staff with a simple note. The hospital shared a post on Facebook, which included a picture of the handwritten message left on a snack machine, that touched the hearts of the staff and visitors alike.

The stranger started by writing, “Please find a variety of snacks at the bottom of this machine that have been paid for.” The person then added that they simply wanted to perform a random act of kindness and “brighten someone’s day.” “Hopefully, there may be something in there that you can enjoy. Finally, you can spread the act of kindness,” the note continued. The person also cautioned the last person receiving the free candy to take down the note to avoid disappointment. With a rainbow on one corner of the note and smiles beside sentences, the note was enough to make someone’s day. The staff at the hospital were delighted to see the gesture, as per BBC. Nurse Emma Widdowson said, "It made me feel so happy I was beaming all day. Who doesn't want chocolate on a Sunday?" she added.

Another health caregiver, Lauren Hunstone, said, "It just perked up everyone's day that someone would do something so lovely out of the goodness of their own heart, not wanting to take any sort of thanks." The post received quite a few positive comments from people at the hospital as well as those simply browsing the internet. While people largely reacted with hearts and smiles, many others wished the best for this anonymous person. Others couldn’t help but share their simple gestures to add to the conversation. One of them, Tara Minshall, noted, “Random act doesn't need to be recognized, that's one of the many nicest, selfless randoms to happen to the fantastic, focused, kindest people that work there, but a boost for patients too.”
Lynn Marchant noted that the hospital environment can affect people and added how gestures like these mean more than ever. She said, “How nice to do that sometimes you are so wrapped up in what's going on there you just forget to change and end up with nothing to eat.” Lucy Hartley shared her dose of kindness saying, “I crochet hats and bring them in. When I lost my hair, I was able to pick a donated hat for free to keep my head warm. I wanted to repay the kindness so bring some in every time I'm in for my checkups.” Undoubtedly, this anonymous person truly made a difference in so many people’s lives for a day. Moreover, they even inspired so many to reach out in kindness. One can never measure the consequences of doing something good, it can go far, leaving the impact of a lifetime!